4- The Deal

"We what!?" I said, jaw-dropped. I cannot believe this. What the fucking hell!?

"It's a win-win situation, Angel, so better accept it." He said, smirking at me.

I know you're all wondering what we talked about. Well, it goes like this...


He guided me into a secluded part of our campus and then stopped in front of an empty room. He gestured to me to go inside and he followed after me. What a gentleman he is. Then he locked the door behind him.

I swallowed nervously and then took a step back. I know that I never heard of him harassing a girl, but who knows, right? I don't know him at all to trust him, but here I am locked in an empty room with one of the bad boy's friends.

"So, I just wanted to offer you a deal."

I was taken aback by his words. What deal? What is he talking about?

"What deal? Do you think I'm stupid to agree to whatever your deal is? And please, can you stop calling me Angel? My name is Mianna!" I said, getting irritated.

"Relax Angel, call yourself lucky because you're the first girl I spoke to." He said, still smirking at me... This guy smirks a lot. Like Clark

"Wow, Mr. Peter Johnson, it was my honor talking to you!" I said sarcastically.

"Okay enough with the chit-chat, listen to me, okay? I won't repeat it again if you don't pay attention to what I'm going to say." He said seriously.

I nodded at him to signal him to continue and then he gestured to me to sit down on one of the chairs. I sat on the chair in front of me and then he dragged the other chair just in front of me, so now he\'s facing me.

"I know what happened to you and Clark last night and..."

"You what!!!?" I shouted as I immediately got up from my seat, then looked at him horribly. What the hell!? That took me off guard. I didn't expect that coming. How did he know? Did Clark tell them about what happened to us? That stupid jerk!!

"Relax Angel, he..."

Again I cut him off.

"Relax!? How can I relax!? That stupid jerk!! He's going to pay big time!!" I said, feeling my blood boil. This is embarrassing... Oh shit!! I can't imagine my life could be this complicated because of that bastard!! I was beyond panicking; I was pacing back and forth now.

Then suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts because of a chuckle... And take note! A really cute chuckle...

"You really are something else, Angel, you're amusing me." He said, now smiling at me.

"I'm happy that you\'re amused with my burden," I said sarcastically, then rolled my eyes.

"Okay. So this time will you please let me finish before you react?" He said, amused.

I nodded at him, and then he cleared his throat and continued.

"Okay, so first of all, he didn't tell us. I saw you two last night, him carrying you going upstairs and I'm guessing that explains everything." He said, winking at me. I suddenly blushed in embarrassment.

"And lastly, about the deal. I wanted you to make Clark fall in love with you, and we were going to pretend that I was courting you, then date you."

My jaw literally drops to the ground. Being shocked at what he just said is an understatement.


"Are you fucking kidding me, Johnson!?" How was that a win-win situation!?" I said, frustrated.

"Look Angel, I'm just a friend here. There's more than you think about Clark that cannot be seen with your two eyes. I have known him for like forever and he needs true love, not just a whore who just wants his money, face, or sex." He said sincerely

Wow, Johnson is really a nice guy. He's doing this because of friendship, but why me? There are a thousand students here at Blue Wing Colleges...

"Why me Johnson? I mean I'm not that nice as a person. I also have my own flaws, especially in my life." I said.

"When I saw you last night, I knew that you had a problem and literally wanted to die of alcohol." I chuckled at him, making him smile, then he continued...

"..and I saw some assholes checking you out when you were on the sofa. I was going to you back then, but when I saw Clark approaching you I backed off and let him handle those bastards. He just glared at the guys and they backed off, then you know what's next." He said seriously. I didn't say anything. I was speechless. When he noticed that he had continued again...

".. I saw that he's staring at you differently, not like the other girls whom he is always with, he's always staring at you, Eliot, without you knowing it, I know, because I'm always with him." He finally said. Then he suddenly became silent, he was just staring at me, waiting for what I said.

"I. I didn't. This is too much to process, Peter." I finally said.

"Do you know that I just fucking gave him my virginity and the funny part is that I let him take it? I don't know why, but I just let him take all of me, and then I saw him in that cafeteria sucking faces with that bimbo in his lap. I don't want to get hurt, Peter. I just can't..." I finally said, trying hard to stop myself from crying.

"That's why I approached you. I saw everything, Angel. And I know my best friend is an asshole."

"Thanks for stating the obvious," I said, cutting him off and making us both chuckle.

"But, he's just not... I mean he's still confused about what he really feels about you. Did you know that he was really frustrated this morning because you left him in bed? He told me that he woke up and then you're gone." He said seriously to me.

"I was scared, Peter, that's why I left him. I didn't know that he'd feel that way..." I said. I don't really know what to do now. I'm so confused.

"So what do you think, Eliot? It's for 1 month only," he said.

"What if it doesn't work?" I said.

"Then we will stop and continue with our normal lives as if nothing happens." He said, then shrugged.

"You know that I'm still in the process of moving on, Johnson, I'm confused. I don't know if I'm ready to put myself in this mess," I said.

"I know Angel, I'm not forcing you to do this, but can you please think about it." He said pleadingly.

"Uhm... Peter, can I ask you something?" I said. I'm suddenly curious about something.

"Go on Angel." He said,

"Do you have a girlfriend or something? I don't want to get into deep trouble when I agree to this." I said.

"Honestly, I have. She's not studying here and I have already told her my plan and she's with me. She trusts me a lot." He said, smiling.

I just nodded at him.

"Okay then, I'll think about your deal, Johnson. I'll let you know as soon as I think about it," I finally said.

"Great! So here, text me if you make up your mind." He said, then he gave me his card with his name and number written on it, then When he finally went to walk out of the room, I suddenly remembered something that I should ask him.

"Wait!" I said.

He stops and then turns to me confused.

"Yes, Angel? What is it?" He asks.

"Uhmm..I.I just wanted to ask if we. Would dating, does it mean we're going to hold each other's hands in public, hug and kiss in public?" I said, fidgeting with my fingers. Why am I feeling so nervous about asking him this?

"Well, if it's necessary. Yes, Angel, anything that dating couples do we'll do." He said, smiling at me.

I looked at him in surprise, but what about his girlfriend? She's definitely got jealous of that. As if he had read my mind, he suddenly said.

"Don't worry Angel, as I said, she knows everything and she's somehow part of this deal. You'll know her soon." He finally said, smiling at me, then turned around and left me.

What the hell just happened!? Am I dreaming? Should I accept that deal? I really don't want to be played again; I just can't bear the thought of hurting again.

What should I do? Could I really make the bad boy fall in love with me...