5- Unexpected Guess

I'm currently lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I don't know what to do now. Do I really need to agree with that deal? It's so stupid. And I'm not convinced of what Peter had told me. I think he's lying at the part where he had a girlfriend because who the hell of a woman wants to see her boyfriend kissing or holding hands with someone while they're still together!? That's ridiculous, right? And I need to find out the truth...

I'm so confused as fuck and I can't stop thinking about everything from last night with Clark until my conversation with Peter. God! What did I do wrong to suffer this?

I was so lost in my thoughts thinking hard about what a twisted life I was put into when suddenly my eyes started to get heavy and slowly I drifted into a peaceful slumber...


Suddenly, someone shook me, making me groan. I need to fucking sleep! I'm so stressed and I just wanted to rest...

"Cheska, please! I need to rest. I didn't have a proper sleep last night... Just please go away." I said, covering my face with my pillow.

"Mia, you need to wake up. Someone is looking for you downstairs." She said and that's all I needed to completely wake up and sit up on my bed. I look at Cheska with wide eyes and she's just smiling at me widely.

"Who's that?... Wait! What time is it?" I said, feeling anxious all of a sudden.

She chuckled and said "Relax Mia, it's already 7 pm; you slept for a good 2 hours. And for that person downstairs you should probably see him for yourself." She said, grinning at me.

Him? So he's a guy then. Who could...

"Go now Mia, he's waiting for you. If you need anything, I'm just in my room" she said, heading to my door, but before she finally out of my bedroom, she turned to me and said, "He's a nice guy, I like him for you" she winks at me and left, closing the door behind her.

I was left confused. I just shrugged; I did not want to think more because my head was still killing me. I quickly got up from my bed and fixed my hair into a bun, I wore my pink short shorts and a loose white SpongeBob printed t-shirt. I didn't check myself in the mirror because I don't care about my appearance when I'm just here in the house.

I suddenly felt nervous while descending the stairs. When I got downstairs, my eyes suddenly widened at the man seated on our sofa. Why is he here? How did he know where I lived? Is he a stalker?!

"Hey," he said, standing up and grinning at me.

"Uhm..h-hi..What are you doing here? How did you know that I live here?" I asked him curiously.

"Connection Angel, I asked some of your classmates and, luckily, someone knew where you live. Don't worry I'm just here to ask you if you want to hang out with me" He said, scratching his nape. Awe... He's so cute when he's nervous and shy.

I think this is the perfect time to tell him what I've been thinking the whole time. I cleared my throat and looked at him.

"Before that, I have something to tell you, Peter.." I said nervously, I breathed in and out deeply. hoping this decision of mine is right even if I know that it was dangerous for me.

"What is it, Angel?" He said, looking at me intently.

"About what you told me earlier. Yes, I'll accept your deal." I said, looking at the ground, and fidgeting with my fingers.

"Seriously? you really like him don't you?" He said the reason why I suddenly looked at him and his face was now unsmiling. Why the sudden change of mood? Making my brows furrow in confusion.

"It's obvious Angel, don't deny it. Don't worry it's only for a month and if this doesn't work we'll stop immediately.

I nodded. "Peter, I have just one request," I said, looking at him.

"What is it? Just tell me anything you want." He said to me while stepping towards me. He's now in front of me.

"When our plan doesn't work can we still be friends?" I said shyly to him.

He chuckles and reaches for my hair and messes it up. "Of course Angel, from now on I'll be your friend and I'm always here for you." He said, smiling sincerely.

I slapped his hand on my head while giggling and fixing my hair again.

"Don't mess with the hair, okay? Um...Peter, why do you always call me Angel?" I suddenly asked, making the air around us change.

He chuckled, putting his cute dimples on display. "I call you Angel because you look like one." He said, looking straight into my eyes, I felt my cheeks burn and I knew I was blushing really hard now. I quickly looked away from him.

"So, do you want to hang out?" He suddenly asks again, which makes me look at him again, he's now smiling at me.

"Oh...Yeah! Can you just give me a minute? I'll just go get change." I said, turning around him and heading upstairs. I didn't wait for his reply and ran upstairs.

I don't know why, but I'm feeling kind of excited and nervous at the same time. I opened my closet and decided to wear tight black skinny jeans, long grey sleeves, a black scarf that I had rounded on my neck, and knee-high light brown boots. I removed the strap of my hair, making it fall just above my bottom; it got naturally curled at the end.

I looked at myself in the mirror and began to put lip gloss and liquid eyeliner at the height of my eyelids. After checking myself in the mirror, satisfied with what I did, I then took my phone to my bedside table and got myself some money in case I wanted to buy something.

I quickly went down the stairs and went to Peter, who was now busy with his phone. I cleared my throat at him, and he immediately looked at me and smiled, and then he slid his phone into the pocket of his pants. Then he stands up still smiling at me. I think I saw something in his eyes the way his eyes looked up and down at me and shrugged it off.

"So let's go?" I said, smiling at him too.

He walks beside me and then he opens the front door for me. He is truly a gentleman. I smiled at him and softly thanked him; he guided me to his silver Mercedes Benz.

"Wow, is this Mercedes Benz SLR?" I asked, stunned, then I smoothly touched his car. It is so damn gorgeous.

"Uh...Yeah? How did you know?" He asked with a hint of surprise in his voice.

I looked back at him and I was right. He looked surprised and confused. I giggled and said "Why? Girls can also be fond of cars, right?"

He just chuckled at me and put his two hands inside his jeans pocket "Right, it's just that I never thought that a woman like you is keen on cars. I mean, I thought you only loved shopping like every other girl." He says to me while laughing softly and scratching his neck.

"Well, there's so much more you don't know about me Johnson," I said to him, smirking.

"There is so much time for that Eliot," he said with a challenging tone.

"We'll see," I said, mocking him.

He just shook his head and he went to the passenger seat and opened the door for me. I smiled at him and said, "I didn't know that you're a gentleman asked Johnson, is it just for the show?" I asked, grinning at him.

"Well, there's so much more you don't know about me, Eliot." He said, mimicking my previous words.

I just shook my head at him while giggling and finally, I got in the car, then fastened my seatbelt. He jogged to his side and got in the car, he started the car's engine and drove off to my driveway.

"So, where are we going?" I finally asked him. I forgot to ask him about it a little while ago.

He looked at me for a moment, smirking, then returned his attention to the road and said "Now that you'd agree with me, I decided that we should go where Clark is. There's drag racing on the old abandoned field outside the city. Clark and the others are already there, he's going to race tonight. We'll gonna make our first plan in there." He suddenly became serious.

"I assume it's an illegal one? And what's your plan?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is, but don't worry. No one else knows about that place. Only those known groups can enter that place. And about the plan, Angel, just stick with me and everything will go smoothly." He said smiling, still looking at the road.

"Okay then." I simply said to him, then I started to look out the window. We're now leaving the city and I started to see many trees.

Clark is in there, I don't know how to act in front of him. What did Peter plan to do, bringing me there? Is this going to work? Why do I even agree to this deal!? Do I really have feelings for him or am I just confused at the moment?

There are so many questions in my head but only one thing that made me excited. DRAG RACING BABY!

This is going to be awesome! Or I think it is...