14 - The Unknown Number

Where are you!?

Damn it! Don't you know how to respond to a text or do you not have a load?


3 missed call

Answer my call!

2 missed call

If you don't reply in 5 minutes I'm going to your apartment now!!

Those were some of the text messages I read from the creepy unknown number. His last text scared me so I instantly made a reply to him.

To: Creepy Weirdo

Who the hell are you!? And how do you know where I live!?

From: Creepy Weirdo

Wow, that was fast. So where have you been to?

To: Creepy Weirdo

Excuse me? Why should I tell you, I don't even know you!!

From: Creepy Weirdo

You don't have a clue who am I? Really? You are so dense, princess...

Wait for what!? He called me dense!? Who the fuck does he think he is!!? And he called me PRINCESS!? Only one guy called me that and his Clark...but could he be him?.. No... That's impossible; I bet he's still with that bitch.

To: Creepy Weirdo

Can you stop being a jerk and just tell me who you are!? You\'re wasting my time weirdo.

From: Creepy Weirdo

Eager much are we, princess? You're making me smile right now.

To: Creepy Weirdo

If you don't tell me who you are I'll stop texting and turn off my phone!!

From: Creepy Weirdo

Look outside of your window.

That made my heartbeat race, my eyes got wide and I started to chill... He's outside my apartment!? Should I wake Cheska? But I can't do that she was so worried about me earlier and she needs to rest. I needed to deal with this on my own, then suddenly my phone beeped signaling that I received an SMS.

From: Creepy Weirdo

I'm going to call, answer it.

My hand started to sweat and I slowly went to my window there I saw a car parked across our apartment and a shadow of a man leaning on the car's hood. I couldn't see his face because of the only lamp post we had in this block then suddenly my phone began to ring and I jumped in horror but then after 3 rings it suddenly stopped, I checked my phone and at the same time there was a message coming.

From: Creepy Weirdo

Change of plans. If you really want to know me you need to find out for yourself, after all, I'm enjoying texting you.

What!!? His nerves !!! A real weirdo, he knows how to pull out my nerves!

To: Creepy Weirdo

Ha ha, nice try Weirdo, Who said that I will reply to your texts? And for your information, I don't fucking care who you are! If you're some kind of stalker or a killer or whatever stops it, it's not funny!!

From: Creepy Weirdo

Already scared princess? Don't worry, every day I'll give you a hint.

To: Creepy Weirdo

Stop it okay!? Go away! Leave me alone! Or I'll tell my boyfriend to beat you up!

From: Creepy Weirdo

Boyfriend!!? Who the fuck is your boyfriend!?

That I didn't expect as his reply, what should I say? I can't say Clark is my boyfriend because he's definitely not and not Peter he's like a brother to me. Then suddenly my phone beeped again

From: Creepy Weirdo

You really know how to piss me off, are you!?

Now he's angry, bipolar weirdo...

To: Creepy Weirdo

You don't need to know weirdo, wait. Can I just know your name?

From: Creepy Weirdo

I'll know it anyway, just call me Prince my princess

To: Creepy Weirdo

Yeah right, frog prince ಠ_ಠ

From: Creepy Weirdo

Wow, that's cool, how do you do that!?

To: Creepy Weirdo

Tsk, weirdo. Are you still standing outside my apartment?

From: Creepy Weirdo

You mean, I'm trying hard to be nice here. No, I already drove off. I'm already at my house.

Wow, that was fast. So he\'s the one I heard? The roaring sound of a car sounds like a sports car... I just shrugged it off and suddenly I started to yawn I checked the clock and it was already 1 am, Wow! Time flies...

To: Creepy Weirdo

I'm sleepy. Good night creepy weirdo prince.

After a few seconds, he replied...

From: Creepy Weirdo

Okay, sleep tight princess. Good night. See you tomorrow ;)

I switch my phone to silent mode and put it on my bedside table then I switch off my lamp and lay down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes thinking about who might be that unknown number... He's creepy but I felt something weird inside of me while we were texting and I don't know what it is exactly then slowly my eyes began to close and before I completely went to my dreamland all I thought was...

I kind of like texting with that unknown guy.