15 - Weird Clarky

"Mia!!..Mia! Wake up! We're going to be late!" Cheska said, shaking me.

"5 more minutes please," I said pleadingly and covered my face with the back of my cutey Pitchie. She's soooo comfy.

"No Mia!! You need to get up now! Or I'll pour ice-cold water onto your head!!" Cheska said. I could sense that she was already irritated at me. I groaned and, like a zombie, sat up and covered my face with my palms. Ugh! I hate that stupid creepy weirdo!!

"Go get a bath now Mia, we only have 25 minutes before we're late. I'll wait for you downstairs, so please hurry up!" She said calmly. This time both hands were on her hips, and then she began to walk out of the door.

I lazily got up on my bed and slightly fixed it and before I could walk to my closet my phone suddenly beeped, I instantly stopped where I was and headed to where I placed my phone.

Before, I didn't check my phone immediately whenever it beeped, but now I was so thrilled because of him. Maybe I'm the weird one, feeling like this to a complete stranger.

I grabbed my phone and opened the message I had received. I didn't know that I was smiling like a fool, not until I saw who it was from. I felt disappointed at first, but I regained my smile.

From: Peter

Can I pick you up? We have the same classes this morning. Good morning, by the way, angel ;)

To: Peter

Sure, thank you, Peter. Can Cheska come too? Good morning too :)

From: Peter

Of course :) I'll be there in 10. See you.

With that, I hurriedly grabbed my outfit for the day, went straight to the bathroom, and did my usual routine. After less than 10 minutes, I finished and went changed, I wore black skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a black blazer and I paired it with my white Converse. I air-dry my hair while brushing it and put it in a ponytail.

Then, lastly, I put on some lip gloss and grabbed my stuff. I was about to walk out to my room when suddenly my phone beeped again, and this time my heart skipped a beat. I opened the message and that's when my smile got wider.

From: Frog Prince

Good morning princess, I dreamed of you last night ;x

This is a simple text that has already made my day. He knows how to make a girl smile. Maybe he's a player too. I was about to make a reply when suddenly Cheska yelled at me from downstairs.

"Mia! Peter is here! Hurry up!" She said.

I'd just reply to him later. I put my phone back in my bag and hurriedly went downstairs. I saw Cheska already ready and standing next to Peter.

Wow, Peter's cute. I couldn't help looking at him up and down. He was wearing a black V-neck shirt that perfectly fitted his body and faded jeans.

"Like what you see?" Peter suddenly said, which made me look up at him and blush. Wow, that was embarrassing. I immediately looked away, which made him smirk.

"Okay, you two stop flirting with each other, and let's go! We're gonna be late." Cheska said and we all laughed at that.

We headed outside and I locked the door. After that, we headed to Peter's car. I went to the passenger side and Cheska to the back seat, then Peter went to the driver's side and started the engine. The entire ride to school we just talked about some random things about our high school days...

And in the middle of our conversation, I suddenly thought of Clark. I wish I hadn't. I felt the pain again.





I glared at him again for the nth time. What the fuck is he doing? Can't he just listen to the professor in front!? He keeps on pestering me!!

"Shut up Clark! I don't want to talk to you" I said, whisper yelling at him.

If you're wondering, we're currently in the same class and he sits just behind me and he keeps on annoying me. I don't want to be caught by our prof and get detention because of him, so I'm trying hard to stop myself from yelling at him and strangling him.

"It's not what you think Aya, Just listen to me." He said in his calm voice,

I just ignored him and just looked in the front. Now I can't understand what the professor is discussing because of this stupid jerk.

Then suddenly my phone beeped, I pulled it out of my bag and opened the message. It was from Peter.

From: Peter

Just ignore him, princess ;)

Peter was just beside Tofer, who was beside Clark. In short, he was in between the two that were behind me while Cheska was just right beside me writing whatever the professor said and she didn't even bother with what was happening around her.

"Are you two texting!?" Clark suddenly said, making me turn and raise my eyebrows at him. We looked at each other like we were fighting our own thoughts when suddenly Tofer cleared his throat.

"You two stop eye-raping each other, you can do that later." He said, smirking, and that earned him a punch on his arm.

"What was that for?" he said, whining while glaring at Clark,

"Shut up Tofer," Clark said firmly, and he turned his gaze to me again. I suddenly looked at Peter and saw him looking at Clark frowning.

"Stop looking at him princess, just look at me." Clark suddenly whispered to me, which made me shiver.

I was about to say a comeback to him when suddenly our professor yelled.

"Eliot and David first warning, don't do it second, or else I'll send you two to detention," he said, pissed. I just nodded and bowed my head in embarrassment; this was my first as in first warning ever.

"Whatever old man," said Clark, which made our professor glare at him and then sigh and continue with his discussion.

Clark didn't try to speak again, I focused my attention in front of me. After a few minutes, my phone suddenly beeped again. I pulled it out of my bag and checked who it was.

From: Frog Prince

Hey, busy? You didn't reply to my text earlier.

I suddenly smiled and instantly made a reply.

To: Frog Prince

Hey, sorry. Peter picked us up earlier and we were running late. That's why I didn't reply to you instantly.

"What!?" Everyone suddenly looked at Clark like he had grown another head. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

He glared at everyone who was eyeing him and they instantly returned to what they were doing.

"Detention Mr. David." Prof. Ramirez suddenly said pissed and turned towards the board and wrote again.

"Whatever old man," Clark said, which made our professor turn to him, glaring.

"One-week detention!!" He shouted and made Clark huff in annoyance.

I looked at him and noticed that he was typing something on his phone while frowning, so I turned and shrugged. Now I'm invisible to him, bipolar playboy.

Then suddenly my phone beeped again.

From: Frog Prince

Who's that? Your boyfriend?

To: Frog Prince

What's with the questions? Wait, are you studying? I don't want to text some old weirdo.

From: Frog Prince

Funny princess, I'm in college like you. You still don't have a clue who I am? Just answer my question.

To: Frog Prince

How do you know!? Are you a stalker!!? He's just a friend of mine.

Then suddenly I heard Clark yell a yes, but I just rolled my eyes and while waiting for a reply to that unknown weirdo I partly listened to what our professor was discussing.

From: Frog Prince

Really? Good, you had better start finding that out, princess. I'll give you a hint.

Then suddenly my phone beeped again. I didn't even reply to him.

From: Frog Prince

I'm a very handsome guy ;)

That made me giggle. I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from giggling out loud (if that was even possible).

"Someone is happy." Clark suddenly whispered to me.

"Cut it out Clark, I don't want anything about you. Just go to Mitch, don't annoy me anymore." I said, pissed. He's always the reason my happiness faded instantly.

He didn't say anything and when I turned and looked at him, our eyes suddenly met and I could see hurt and sadness in them, then it instantly vanished and changed to a blank one. He suddenly got up and walked out of the class without even saying a word...

And that made me feel so guilty...

Nice one Mia

All day I didn't hear anything about Clark and, at the same time, the unknown text stopped texting me...

Sadness has returned again.