Angelica Mugariri (POV)
Revolution In Christ Int Church
It was a special day at church. After the Easter celebrations ended weeks ago, it was finally time for something else.
Like every church I know out there, there is always something or a big event happening at the church.
I still remember when my parents were still alive. At that time, my mother especially would come to this church five times a week and honestly, it nearly caused the end of my parents’ marriage.
There were services on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening. These were for everyone, actually, but only those that felt like worshiping with others would come.
People would spend an hour or two at church before going home.
There was a Thursday service, and it was strictly for ladies. Those that are married especially. They call this service the women’s service. It was on this service that pastors like myself will do our best to steer the women on the right path, or so they say.