Mr CEO... Ms Architect


The meeting soon came to an end. They made a promise to contact each other if there was a need for another meeting in the future.

Mei Xing left the company with satisfaction settling within her. On getting outside , she whipped out her phone and put a call through to her best friend, Yi Chuhua. After a few rings, the call got connected.

"Hey, bestie. How are you?" Yi Chuhua asked.

Mei Xing sighed into the phone. "I"m fine. Just got out of the meeting with my client."

"Now? Why did it take so long?" Yi Chuhua asked, making Mei Xing even more aware of the time that had gone by. It was well past three o'clock in the afternoon.

"I know. Stuff happened with his secretary but it was all sorted and we went on about our business," Mei Xing briefly explained.

"Alright then. Tell me how you feel about your first job after years?" Yi Chuhua's voice brimmed with anticipation, it made Mei Xing smile and feel blessed for having her support.

"It was fantastic. I think my client was very impressed. That's if him getting lost in the imagination of his new office while I rambled on counts," Mei Xing answered.

Yi Chuhua squealed."OMG! It definitely counts, girl. I'm so happy I could do a backflip without caring if I'll end up with a broken neck afterwards."

Mei Xing giggled at her friend's descriptive feeling. "Alright, Chu. Lemme get off the phone so I can book an uber and get back to the house. I'm exhausted."

"Sure, sure. Rest plenty cause we are going to celebrate once I get back. Ugh, I can't wait to get out of work. See you soon and love you."

"Love you too, Chu. Bye."

As soon as the call ended, Mei Xing busied herself with booking that uber when a car pulled up in front of her. It was a black Porsche Cayenne.

The window rolled down and the side view of Lu Aotian's face came into view. He bent his head so she could see him. He flashed her a small and harmless smile. "Where are you headed? I can drop you off." He requested.

Mei Xing blinked. "Do you have that much time to spare, Mr Lu?" Mei Xing asked with one of her brows raised.

Lu Aotian fought back a smile and replied. "I have a meeting in thirty minutes. So, yes. I do have time to spare. Can I drop you off?"Mei Xing felt hesitant. So he went further to say, "I still feel bad about earlier today. I wasted your time. Please allow me to make it up to you by dropping you home."

After a little contemplation, Mei Xing agreed for him to drop her off. As soon as she was belted in and gave him an address, Lu Aotian pulled the car onto the road and sped off.

The first few minutes of the ride was spent in a silence Lu Aotian felt uncomfortable with. So after racking his brain for a topic to talk about, he spoke up.

"So… I guess seeing you here in one piece means that you and your friend got home safely that night," he said.

Mei Xing's head turned to him. Her expression was laced with confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean? What night?" She asked.

Lu Aotian's eyes glanced her way briefly before focussing on the road ahead. "You don't remember? On Saturday night. The Red Roof club."

Mei Xing was surprised. "How do you know about that?"

Lu Aotian let out a little laugh and shook his head. I see you are light on drinks. But, you are fine and that's enough for me. So have you succeeded in completing your website?" He quickly changed the topic to prevent Mei Xing's prodding about the night at the club.

Realizing that he would not get a word about the night at the club, Mei Xing sighed and replied to his question. "Yeah, I think. I'll have one of my seniors from my university have a look at it whenever I see him."

"Hmm," he nodded.

"Oh, now that I remember, your secretary called you boss. And now that I really think about it, the way you spoke held some kind of authority. So are you the boss? Like the boss of the company? The CEO kind?" Mei Xing asked.

Lu Aotian's gaze fell on her properly as he parked the car. And instead of answering her, he asked a question of his own. "What do you think, Ms Mei Xing?"

Mei Xing's eyes held his for a moment before she averted her eyes. She had gotten the answer she needed. Nodding, she opened the door and stepped out. "Alright, Mr CEO. Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it alot," she smiled.

Lu Aotian pursed his lips trying to keep his words but he could not help himself. So he said, "Are you sure you are okay here? If you feel bothered about wasting my time, I don't mind."

He knew that Mei Xing had not given the correct address to her home but he didn't want to push his luck and make her uncomfortable.

Mei Xing raised a brow. "You sure? Because it has gotten pretty close to the end of that thirty minutes you had before your next meeting," Mei Xing reminded him.

Lu Aotian's eyes widened as he checked the time and her words were indeed true. He was indeed going to be late for his next meeting. He let out a few inaudible words that seemed like expletives.

"I'll see you around then." He got the engine revving and looked up. "Oh and Ms Architect…" he called, shocking Mei Xing. "Please don't cry on any other man's arm, alright? Take care of yourself and say hi to your friend."

Taking her silence as an agreement, Lu Aotian's lips lifted up into a lopsided smirk. He zoomed off into the road, leaving Mei Xing speechless and cheeks all flushed.

After what felt like ages, Mei Xing finally got out of her trance. "I can't believe he was the one I said all those things to."