Call From Lawyer Han


Mei Xing spent the entirety of her walk back home thinking of her elier interaction with Lu Aotian. She would have never expected him to be the stranger at the bar. Now she felt more embarrassed.

"This is the height of unprofessionalism," she groaned as her feet stomped to a stop at the porch of Yi Chuhua's house.

Taking the key from her bag, she unlocked the door and stepped in. Her pet dog, Snow, came barreling towards her. He was always happy to see his favorite human around.

"Hey buddy." Mei Xing reached down and rubbed the spot behind his ear.

She went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator before heading to her room to freshen up.

It didn't take Mei Xing long before he was dressed in comfy gray sweatpants and an old shirt from her college. Just as she settled to begin working on the adjustment on Lu Aotian's project her phone blared.

Looking over, she saw that it was a call from lawyer Han. She sighed and prayed for good news as she swiped on the receive icon.

"Hello, lawyer Han. Good afternoon," she greeted.

"Ood afternoon, Ms. Mei Xing," he returned her greetings then he went straight to the reason he called. "I bring you news."

Mei Xing shifted on the chir and inquired. "What news? Is it good or bad?"

"Not good, ma'am. Your husband is still refusing to cooperate with us. I'm sorry I could not make him sign those papers," lawyer Han apologized, sincerity laced in his voice.

Mei Xig sighed quietly as her eyes dropped close. She already knew the outcome but she could not help but still have her hopes up everytime.

"Hello? Ms Mei Xing, are you still there?"

"Yes… yes, I am," she answered. "What do we suggest we do now, lawyer Han. Going back to him is not an option. You know that."

"Of course, ma'am I know. It's the reason I am trying my best to ensure you get what you wanted," lawyer Han assured her.

"Okay. Then what do you suggest we do to get him to sign those papers? I have no idea. My family doesn't support me," Mei Xing asked. The feeling of frustration was already brewing within her.

"The only way I can think of now is for you to file for a divorce petition," lawyer Han dropped his suggestion.

MeiXing stood and paced about in her room. "A divorce petition takes a lot of stressful process and time. I do not think I want to go down that route."

"I know about that too. But it is the only thing I can come up with… for now," he quickly added to ease her worries. "I'll tell you what. How about you and I think of other ways. Then, we set up a meeting for us to discuss this properly."

Mei Xing sighed and nodded as if he could see her doing so. "Alright. I will sleep on this,"she agreed.

"Good." just then, Mei Xing heard someone call for his attention and his voce followed. "Alright. I have to go now, Ms Mei Xing. Don't worry. I won't stop trying my best. Do have a good day," he said before ending the call.

Mei Xing fell face forward on her bed and she groaned out in both frustration and anger.

"Why won't you just put me out of my mystery, Feng Houyi? What do you even want from me? You do not even care for me not to even talk of being in love with me. So won't you just sign those damned papers and let me get out of your way?"

Just then an idea came to her mind. Mei Xing abruptly sat up. Her eyes narrowed as she conjured her thoughts out into words.

"What if I find something more substantial to back up my divorce. Something like him cheating on me," she murmured. Then her face fell flat as realization squashed her idea.

"On the other hand, Feng Houyi would not be having an affair and still be interested in me, right?" Then she fell back with another groan. "I don't even know what to think anymore."


Meanwhile, in a room at TangFei Hotel, a man and a woman lay naked under the ruffled sheets. They had just finished their marathon of sexual pleasure. The air was still thick with the smell of sex. Their bodies slick with sweat and love juices.

But that did not stop them from clingy to each other. The woman drew lazy circles on the chest of the man wrapped around her.

"Hmm, Houyi," the woman purred seductively.

"Yes, baby," the man, Feng Houyi replied, gazing down at her with a rare emotion in his eyes.

"Is that stubborn wife of yours still troubling you with a divorce?" Gao Min, the woman asked.

Feng Houyi had once made mention of Mei Xing wanting divorce during one of their rendezvous. She was skeptical it was the reason their meetings were no longer as frequent as it used to be.

With his palm rubbing up and down the length of her pale smooth skin, Feng Houyi replied with a scoff. "That bitch is really a nuisance. She even went as far as making her lawyer coming after me on a frequent basis."

Gao Min moved closer to him as if she was not content with the almost nonexistent space between them.

"But you can do something about it right? I'm worried because you haven't been spending much time with me lately and I've been missing you a lot," she whined and pouted.

"I'm sorry about that. It's why I'm making it up to you now," Feng Houy apologized and leaned down to place a kiss on her lips.

Just as he was about to reciprocate, Feng Houyi's phone chimed indicating the arrival of a message. Gao Min groaned in complaint but it was soon muffled by another kiss from him.

"Let me just check what it's about and get back to you real quick."