Dubious Plan


Feng Houyi moved over to the edge of the bed, his hand stretching to pick up his phone from the table at the side. He unlocked his phone and saw that the message was from one of his friends.

The space between his brows grew closer as his eyes narrowed at two pictures in his DM. Below them was a message.

'Take a look at what I found. Your little birdie was quick to hop onto another tree.'

By now, Feng Houyi's curiosity was highly piqued. He quickly tapped on all the pictures and what he saw shocked him.

The first picture was of a woman alighting from a car. She had her back facing the camera. Feng Houyi swiped to the next and that little suspicion he had turned into a fully blown shock.

The picture was of Mei Xing when she had alighted from Lu Aotian's car. But this time, she had a smile on her face as she, her back was slightly bent to reach the eye level of the person in the car, a man to be precise.

In a flash, Feng Houyi's face morphed into anger. His eyes focussed,jaw hard from the way he was grinding his teeth and brows furrowed.

Sensing his change of mood, Gao Min turned his face to hers and kissed him softly and slowly. For a moment, Feng Houyi forgot what he had in his hands as her moans sent his blood rushing southwards.

"You said you'll be quick. I already want you again," she her fingers trailed lower on his stomach until she was fisting his now erect manhood whilst batting her lashes and biting on her lips.

Feng Houyi cast one more look at his phone before placing it on the table. He then allowed himself to be whisked away by Gao Min but in the midst of another round of sex, Feng Houyi found himself thinking about those pictures.

'So that woman really had the gut to go after someone else, huh. Is that why she suddenly brought up the divorce? That must be the reason she started acting up, pretending as if my late nights affected her. That cunning slut,' he cursed inwardly.

His thoughts ran a thousand miles as Gao Min bounced on him, moaning from the pleasure she was getting from whatever his body was doing.

After much thought and mindless sex, Feng Houyi quietly released himself from the sleeping woman beside him. He opened the sliding glass door to the room's balcony. He held his phone up to his ears as he waited for the other line to get connected. He took a long draw from the cigarette between his index and middle finger.

"Hello sir, what do you want me to do for you?" A deep masculine voice fell into his ears as soon as the call got connected.

"I want you to have someone following Luo Mei Xing. I want all her movements and activities reported to me, is that clear?" Feng Houyi ordered, his voice darker than usual.

"Yes sir," the man at the other end of the line agreed without question.

The line went dead after. Feng Houyi stared into the night sky. His thoughts were all over the place. He could not accept the fact that Mei Xig could be seeing someone else.

After another long silence of thinking, he tapped away on his phone and placed it to his ears again. In a few rings, the call got connected and another voice, a bit lighter than the previous man answered. "Good evening boss. What do you need me to do?"

"Take out five percent of our investment from Luo Corp. report back to me when I come in for work tomorrow morning," Feng Houyi dished out another set of orders.

"Y-Yes sir."

Feng Houyi cut the call on his assistant and a smirk replaced the scowl on his face. "I'll let Mrs Luo take things from here. Let's see how you will handle the pressure Mei Xing," he whispered.

A red manicured nail curled around his waist as he felt two soft mounds press against his back. Feng Houyi flicked off the cigarette in his hands and turned in the woman's embrace.

He took her face in his hands, his thumbs, caressing her cheeks.

"Having troubles at work?" Gao Min asked and Feng Houyi hummed in response.

"The bed feels cold without you in it. Come back inside, okay?" She requested with pleading eyes.

Feng Houyi smiled and pressed his lips to hers. Breaking away, he said, "Let me warm you up then."


In the Lu mansion, Lu Aotian's mother sat in the living room with a sophisticated-looking lady in her early twenties. She was both beautiful and elegant.

Mrs Lu was all smiles as she spoke with the lady concerning her education overseas.

"Congratulations on concluding your masters once again, darling."

"Thank you, Aunty Lu," Eu-meh was already bashful.

"So, Eu-meh, do you still intend on going back abroad to Canada?" Mrs Lu inquired.

Eu-meh tilted her head to the side, her peach-coloured manicured finger tapping lightly on her chin as she thought about it. Then she straightened her head. "Hmm, if I find something interesting enough to make me stay long, I will. But before I do that, I will be counting the days until I'll go back."

Mrs Lu chuckled. She knew what would make her stay. Taking her phone up, she tapped away. "Ah, Tian is in the country now. He is taking over the company now. Let me call him and ask to meet with you after all, it's been long since you both saw each other."

Looking at Eu-meh through the top of her phone, Mrs Lu noticed the faint pink hue on her cheeks. She knew about the secret- well not much of a secret crush she had on her son since they were teens.

And Mrs Lu didn't mind having such a smart and beautiful woman as her daughter-in-law.