Real Talent


Longwen could see that Mei Xing was still not confident so he went on to prove to her that she had nothing to worry about.

"I will tell you this… I saw a real talent and I recruited that talent. It would be a loss on my path if I were to let you go. So don't think about what people say. They will always talk."

"I know but your reputation might also be on the line."

Longwen shook his head as he chuckled. "Silly. No one would dare do that. You are a good deal yourself. Don't let your road get rocky by caring too much about what people say about you, okay?"

Mei Xing nodded and sighed heavily. Then she smiled and appreciated his encouraging words.

"Now, what do you say to finishing this tour? Let your senior show off his years of hard work, will ya?" He joked and Mei Xing laughed.

"Lead the way, boss."

After the tour, Mei Xing felt better and her excitement for working in the firm was evident. After collecting the firm's badge and an ID card confirming her status in the establishment, she thanked Longwen and left.


Mei Xing decided to treat herself to a much deserved lunch after her ordeal that morning. She stopped by the nearest restaurant she could find. After securing a table for herself, she ordered a light meal.

It took a little while before her order was served and she began eating. While she ate, she shot Yi Chuhua a quick text. As soon as it was sent, it was raed and her phone ran in her hands.

Mei Xing chuckled at her best friend's enthusiasm in her new journey. Shne received the call and held it beside her ear. "Hi, Chu."

"Hey hey hey. How is the newest head architect feeling?" Yi Chuhua asked in a sing-song tone.

Mei Xing's smile bloomed into a full grin at her words. "Assistant head architect," she corrected.

"Tsk. There's just a little difference, Mei. When the head is away, you are the one everyone will turn to. Plus your voice will be heard regardless."

"Well, you have a point. Anyways, I'm good and I'm currently on cloud nine," Mei Xing responded.

"I got a new wine on my way to work this morning. When we get home we are going to celebrate.and don't cook. I'm ordering chicken for dinner," Yi Chuhua informed her.

Mei Xing's eyes widened in surprise. "Chu, you still had the time to go wine shopping on your way to work?" She asked.

"What? It's not as if I was late. Besides, my work will speak for me if it comes down to it," Yi Chuhua feigned nonchalance.

Mei Xing could only shake her head. She knew of Yi Chuhua's love for wine. It's what happens when your family owns the best wine producing industry in the whole of China. But the only thing she couldn't get was that Yi Chuhua refused to get wine from her family instead of buying from shops.

"Why didn't you just get sme delivered like you did before?" She asked.

"Oh don't get me started. Daddy's still benton making me go home to visit. He says I'll soon forget he and mum exist. Like that can ever happen," Yi Chuhua whined and Mei Xing could bet all her money that her best friend was rolling her eyes.

"Then why don't you just go home on a weekend and visit?"

Yi Chuhua huffed. "Because they'll spoil me too much I wouldn't want to leave. And if I do, I'll miss the hell out of you and that little furbaby."

Mei Xing chuckled. "At least you have parents who fawn over you."

"Okay, let's not go there. You know what? How about we both go and visit them? After all, they've been asking about you too," Yi Chuhua suggested.

"That sounds lovely. I-" Mei Xing was cut off by an incoming call. Seeing who it was, she quickly wrapped up her call with Yi Chuhua.

"Uhm, Chu, I need to go. I have a call from my client," she said.

"Oh, alright. We will talk more when we both are at home. Love you.'

"Love you. Bye."

She quickly ended the call and received the other call. "Hello Mr Lu. Good afternoon."

"Ah, Miss Mei Xing. Good afternoon. I am glad that I could reach you. I wasn't so sure I would," Lu Aotian's voice rang through the phone.

"Luckily for you, I just got free. How may I help you then?" She inquired.

"You see, some shipment for the things needed for the remodeling just arrived and I thought you should have a look at them," he replied.

Mei Xing's brows furrowed as a frown made its mark on her face. "Mr Lu, as much as you are paying me to get a job done, I really do not appreciate you going ahead to get those materials. That's my job. You just made me feel incompetent," she couldn't help but voice her lack of support for his actions.

"I apologize. The thing is, I had already bought those things before I started looking for an architect. And believe me when I say that I had no idea you would be bringing your materials. My apologies." Lu Aotian was quick to explain to avoid any misunderstanding or strain in their good working relationship.

At his explanation, Mei Xing sighed and nodded. "I understand. However, I would've appreciated if this information was shared much sooner."

"I also apologize for that," she heard the sincerity in his voice as he spoke.

"Okay. I will be at your company in the next thirty minutes," Mei Xing said as she held up her wrist to check the time.

"I'll be waiting. Thank you."

~Twenty minutes later~

Mei Xing stepped out of the elevator opening at the 30th floor of Lu Aotian's company. She walked straight to the receptionist and smiled as soon as she saw the woman working earnestly at her desk.

"Miss Mei Xing. Good afternoon," the receptionist greeted with a smile. She was more polite than in their first meeting.

"Good afternoon, Ruolan," Mei Xing returned her smile. "Did Mr Lu inform you of our meeting? We are supposed to see right about now."

"Oh yes, he did. You can go right in. He has been waiting for you."

"Thank you."