Wait Or Go Home



"Come in."

As soon as she was given permission, Mei Xing pulled on the doorknob and pushed the door open. Her eyes met instantly with the man standing beside a shelf full of files.

Lu Aotian was on a call when she came in. He gestured for her to sit down as he spoke into the phone.

"And what about the workers? Did anyone get hurt in the accident?"

"Thank goodness. Have their hospital bills paid off through the company's insurance. Tell them to hold off on the building for a while," he ordered.

"Hmm." Sighing, Lu Aotian walked towards his desk and smiled at Mei Xing.

"Is everything alright, Mr Lu?" Mei Xing couldn't help but ask as she heard him mentioning an accident and people getting hurt.

"Not really. Something went wrong at the company's building sites. Luckily, a few men working while it happened are not seriously injured," he briefed.

Mei Xing sighed and nodded. "It's a relief then."

"It sure is," he agreed. "Thank you for coming in on such short notice," he said as he sat down.

"No problem. Can I see those materials now?" Mei Xing asked.

Lu Aotian nodded and led her to the materials. After taking a look at them, they went back to his office.

"So what do you think? Are they okay by your standards?" Lu Aotian asked as he poured himself a glass of juice. "Would you like a glass?"

"Yes, thank you. I think they are okay," she answered, referring to the materials for remodelling.

Picking up their glasses of juice, he passed one of them to Mei Xing, which she accepted. "But they were not what you had in mind, huh?"

"No." When Lu Aotian sighed, she quickly added. "However, I think I can make a mix and have them blend. Those materials are also top quality. It will be a waste if they are not put to good use."

"Hmm. Is that not going to be stressful? I know you had things planned out. But I wouldn't mind going for what you originally had in mind," Lu Aotian probed.

Mei Xing shook her head and took a quick sip from her glass. "It is going to be stressful. But it's only a bit. I can handle it."

Just then, the door to his office flew open. Following was the frantic sound of Ruolan and clicking heels.

Lu Aotian frowned at the intrusion. His brows furrowed more upon seeing who came bursting in.

Thinking she was the one to whom that look of disapproval was directed, Ruolan quickly narrated what led to the sudden disturbance of his meeting.

"Mr Lu, I am really sorry about the intrusion. I swear that I told the lady that you had a meeting and asked not to be disturbed. But she didn't pay me any heed and came barreling in here. I apologize for not being able to stop her before she–"

"Ruolan," Lu Aotian's stern voice cut the panting secretary off.

"Yes, sir?"

"Breathe," he ordered.

Just like she was told, Ruolan let out a series of inhales and exhales until she was a bit calmer and less frantic.

"Sir, I'm so–"

"There's no need to apologize. You can go back to whatever you were doing. I will handle things from here. Thank you," he said.

Ruolan eyes scanned the room before she nodded and left. As soon as she was gone, Lu Aotian sat back in his chair.

"You know you just undermined my authority in the presence of my employees, right Han Eu-meh?" He questioned.

Han Eu-meh, the lady who bathed in smiled and strolled towards his desk. Her hips swayed with every step.

"But Aotian, I really wanted to see you," she whined as she sat on his desk, just beside him. Her fingers threaded lightly towards the collar of his crisp white shirt.

"I just got back from Canada yesterday and immediately came here today. Just so I can see you. Don't you think you should at least welcome me?" She asked.

Lu Aotian sat up, held her hands dancing on him and gently pushed them back to her.

"Han Eu-meh, I am in the middle of a business meeting," he reminded her as his eyes trailed over to Mei Xing was had been a silent spectator since the whole charade began.

"That aside, I don't have time to welcome you. Not especially after that stunt you just pulled."

"Oh I didn't even notice there was someone here," Han Eu-meh spoke with a fake smile plastered on her face as her eyes took in Mei Xing. Her mind couldn't help but twist and turn in wondering who she was.

Mei Xing didn't bother returning the smile. I stead her eyes landed on the sole reason she was still seated in the office.

"Would you prefer I come by some other time since you have... company," Mei Xing asked as she willed her brows from twitching.

Lu Aotian shook his head. "Absolutely not. I don't know when else your schedule would allow us to meet. Or even mine. So please, stay and let's finish up."

"Very well then," Mei Xing nodded. "So as I was saying. I think I can–"

"What are you two discussing about?" Han Eu-meh cut in, feigning interest.

"I want my office remodelled. That's what we are saying," Lu Aotian answered in exhaustion.

"Oh, then I think I can chip in a few of my opinions. How about you try bright colours in your office and try getting some plush and comfortable chairs to sit on? I think lemon green or sky blue would be nice. Also, I–"

"Han Eu-meh," Lu Aotian called out to put a stop to her rambling. "This isn't like the times you go to a nail salon to choose a new colour for the week. Besides, I already have an architect for the job and I trust her decisions very well. So respectfully, wait outside for me to be done here or tell my assistant to send you home."