The Charity Event


Mei Xing and Longwen got to the event hall in due time. They took the flight of stairs leading into the building along with other invites.

After showing their invitation card to one of the bulky security men at the front of the door, they were led to the hall where the event would take place

Once again, Mei Xing could not stop herself from taking notes of the structure and designs of the space.

The hall was extravagant and large. It could accommodate over five hundred people in one sitting.

There were chairs arranged in pairs of six surrounding several round tables at their center. Several Italian-style chandeliers, casting a warm glow in the hall.

Longwen led them to their seats, he pulled out a chair for her to which Mei Xing smiled appreciatively.

"What do you think?" He asked taking the sit beside her.

"There are a lot of people in here," Mei Xing blurted on first thought.

Longwen laughed. "There are hut that was not what I was asking you about, Mei."


"What do you think about the building? The style, the design... all of it. Let me hear your thoughts," he expanded.

Mei Xing answered in earnest. Her eyes moved quickly around as she spoke. She made little gestures, pointing out a few things.

As they conversed, other people joined them at the table, all exchanging pleasantries. Soon enough, the majority of the seats were taken and the event started.

The charity event was based on an auction. There were several exotic and ancient items like jade vases, gemstones, jewellery, paintings and so on.

After the bid was over, the money earned would be put into different charity projects like providing shelter, food and clothes for orphans and the homeless. Or into projects like building hospitals in local areas or making water available in places lacking.

It was a noble activity where the rich got to lavish their wealth for a good cause- whether they intended to or not.

As soon as the auction was open, people from different angles in the hall began throwing prices over items.

Mei Xing found the process quite fun and even interesting. A few other things she found confusing, Longwen patiently explained to her.

After the auction was over, people moved around. Mothers introduced their daughters to suitable bachelors in hopes of marriage, while others were bothered about making new connections for their businesses.

Longwen stood up and held out his hand for Mei Xing. "Come on. Let me introduce you to a few of the businessmen I have worked with and make new connections while we are at it."


Taking his hand, Mei Xing followed his lead, a flute glass of champagne in her hand. They made a beeline for two men having a serious discussion.

"Mr Wei, Mr Shi," Longwen nodded at both of them as they came to a stop. "Pleasure meeting you at this wonderful event."

"Ah! Young Yang. I'm glad we could meet," said the man in a grey suit. He seemed to be in his mid-forties.

"You brought a companion this time, I see," the other man in a charcoal black suit pointed out, his eyes dancing between Mei Xing and Yang Longwen.

Longwen let out a short chortle. "This brilliant lady here is Luo Mei Xing. She's the newest head assistant architect in my firm." Turning to Mei Xing, he continued and told her about the two men.

Mei Xing stretched her hand to each of them for a handshake whilst smiling professionally.

"I'm pleased to meet you both," she said.

They fell into a conversation. It was almost too natural that Mei Xing was impressed. Longwen asked for her thoughts on all topics of their discussion.

It was a pleasant feeling for Mei Xing considering her past experiences at events like these with Feng Houyi were rather unpleasant.

He never asked for her opinions. She was just a woman who was at his side, a doll expected to never speak and just follow.

If she ever made any input, he would express his displeasure as soon as they were in the confines of their home.

'You could have said something stupid and ended up embarrassing me. You were lucky this time shut this should be the last. Understand?'

But just as Yi Chuhua had said, not all men were Feng Houyi. Longwen seemed to seek her thoughts and the two men didn't frown at it. Instead, agreed with her and even praised her intelligence.

Mei Xing soon began to anticipate their next conversation with whoever it may be.

Unbeknownst to her, amidst the crowd, a pair of green eyes trailed her every move.

Lu Aotian was stunned when he saw her at the event. He wasn't so sure at first, but since she moved along with Longwen, his doubts were cleared.

His heart was weighed down by something heavy at the sight of her in the arms of another man. She was beautiful, radiant even. But seeing her next to someone else made the champagne he drank bitter.

"So this was the plans she had for tonight. If I had known, I would have just asked her to be my date on the phone," he grumbled. "So much for being formal, Aotian."

"Ah, you must be the son of Lu Tianfei and his wife."

Lu Aotian's gaze shifted from Mei Xing upon hearing someone speak beside him. He nodded at the man around the same age as his father.

"Yes, that's me. And you must be...?"

"Zhe Jai Xu. I had the pleasure of doing business with your father," the man said.

Taking a sip from his glass, Lu Aotian nodded. "I'm Lu Aotian."

Looking around the man asked, "I don't see your parents yet. Did they come too?"

"They couldn't make it," he answered.

As the man engaged Lu Aotian in a conversation, his eyes searched the room again for Mei Xing.

He spotted her at a corner of the room, Longwen still beside her. He watched from behind the rim of the glass as Longwen's hand came to rest on Mei Xing's back. It was awfully natural, like something he had done many times.

Lu Aotian's feet started moving, taking him away from Mr Zhe, ignoring the man's call.