Captivating: Kiss


Lu Aotian made his way through the crowded room, his gaze fixed on Mei Xing as she happily engaged in conversation with various guests.

Despite the warmth of her smile, he could not help but feel a pang of unease as his eyes landed on Longwen who still had his hand resting comfortably on the small of her back.

As he approached, he caught Mei Xing's eyes and her smile faltered slightly as their eyes met.

"Good evening, Ms. Mei Xing. Lovely evening?" Lu Aotian inquired, his tone courteous yet tinged with curiosity.

"Indeed, and yes, it is. Fun even," Mei Xing replied, her demeanour composed.

"You look exquisite. Beautiful if I may add," Lu Aotian complimented, his eyes lingering a second longer on her body than he intended.

Mei Xing's lips tilted up in response. "Thank you. You're not lacking in looks either. You look great," she returned, her tone calm despite her slight nervousness.