You're Mine

The clock struck midnight. Mei Xing's room was shrouded in darkness as she tossed and turned in bed, huffing in frustration.

She was unable to find comfort in sleep. The images of the charity event swirled in her mind like a whirlwind.

But one memory stood out vividly. It was the moment Lu Aotian had kissed her in the garden.


Mei Xing found herself drawn to Lu Aotian's magnetic presence. Their conversation had flowed effortlessly, fueled by champagne and the allure of the night.

As they chatted, Mei Xing could not ignore the flutter of excitement in her chest, nor could she find herself denying the chemistry brewing between them.

When Lu Aotian leaned in to kiss her, she felt a surge of anticipation mixed with apprehension.

Their lips met in a delicate dance, sending sparks flying. Mei Xing was swept away by the intensity of the moment. His lips against her and hands on her waist and neck.