

Mei Xing stepped into the cozy apartment, the dim evening light filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow over the space. Yi Chuhua greeted her at the door, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she held the leash of their excitable dog, Snow.

"Good evening?" Yi Chuhua's voice was tinged with curiosity as she helped Mei Xing carry the grocery bags to the kitchen.

"Sort of. Work was good. I got to finish some paperwork in advance," Mei Xing replied with a slight smile as she reached down to pat Snow's head fondly.

"Okay good. And the man who just dropped you off?" Yi Chuhua's eyebrows raised inquisitively as she bit her lip.

Mei Xing shrugged nonchalantly as she tied on an apron. "He's a client. The first one I told you about."

Yi Chuhua gasped, her excitement palpable. "He's a hot shot, Mei. Are you finally taking my advice about being open to dating seriously?"