Sad and Burdened


Mei Xing sat in her room, the weight of the call she just had with her father still lingering.

Papers were strewn across her bed, a testament to the decision she had come to accept- to salvage her father's company from the brink of bankruptcy.

As she contemplated her next steps, Yi Chuhua, burst into the room, her expression a mix of anger and concern. "I don't like this at all. Not one bit," Yi Chuhua declared, her voice filled with indignation. Mei Xing had called her right after the call.

"They have the audacity to threaten you after casting you out of their family. That's just sick."

Mei Xing was touched by her friend's unwavering support, but she knew that she had to follow through with her decision. After all, she had made up her mind.