Goddess From the Moon


By the time it was evening, Mei Xing was all prepped for the birthday celebrations. Instead of being down in waves, she had her hair up and small fringes framing her face.

Just then, the revenge of a car's engine sounded outside the house. Yi Chuhua and Mei Xing shared a look.

"Your date is here," Yi Chuhua said.

Mei Xing blushed and stood, smoothening down the invisible wrinkles on her dress. "I'll get it."

Lu Aotian arrived at Mei Xing's doorstep, his breath hitching as she opened the door. The sight before him left him speechless.

Mei Xing stood before him, radiant in a dress that seemed to cling to every movement she made. The fabric flowed gracefully around her, accentuating her curves in all the right places.

Mei Xing's eyes softened with realization. Her dress matched not only Lu Aotian's tie but also his eyes, which sparkled with admiration as he took her in. She remembered his words vividly.