A Smokescreen


The anger simmering within her threatened to boil over. Suddenly, a voice startled her. "Miss Mei, are you alright?"

She looked up to see Xiao Lin standing in the doorway, his brows furrowed with concern. Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Mei Xing forced a smile.

"Just reviewing some… interesting documents," she replied, her voice tight.

Xiao Lin, ever perceptive, noticed the tremor in her hand. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Mei Xing hesitated. Exposing Feng Houyi's scheme wouldn't be easy, and she wasn't sure if she could trust Xiao Lin completely. Yet, she couldn't ignore it either.

"Perhaps," she said finally, her voice low. "Tell me, Xiao Lin, what do you know about TerraSol Tech.'s recent diversification into security technology?"

Xiao Lin blinked, surprised. "It wasn't exactly a secret, Miss Mei Xing. The board, including Mr Luo, made the decision a year ago, hoping to tap into a growing market."