Redefine the Future


The air crackled with unspoken accusations. Mr Wang opened his mouth to protest, but Mei Xing cut him off with a raised hand.

"However," she continued, a hint of steel in her voice, "I have Mr Luo, your CEO's, full authorization to take over the reins and steer this company back on track."

A stunned silence descended upon the room. The executives exchanged uneasy glances, the defiance momentarily replaced by a dawning realization of her authority.

Mr Wang scoffed in disbelief. "You must be clearly mistaken. This is no place for a youngster to test run the little knowledge gained."

Mei Xing sat taller in her seat, her brows arched with a cold smile on her lips. "You say that now, yet you 'grown-ups' haven't taken action to salvage the company. If your CEO was so confident in you, adults, why didn't he appoint one of you to lead in his absence?"