Temporary Setbacks


After Mei Xing explained briefly what she had found in her father's company, a thoughtful silence descended upon the table.

Mr. Yi finally lowered his glass, the clink against the crystal table a welcome sound that broke the tension. "Mei Xing," he began, his voice warm yet firm, "I admire your determination and your foresight. It takes courage to face such a situation head-on, especially when you're young and relatively new to the world of business."

Mei Xing, her heart pounding slightly in her chest, met his gaze with gratitude. "Thank you, sir. Your words mean a lot."

He chuckled, a rich sound that filled the room. "But don't let gratitude blind your ambition, young lady. Reviving a struggling company is like steering a ship in a storm. It takes a clear vision, a steady hand, and a whole lot of cooperation from the crew."