My, Oh My


Lu Aotian had just finished a business meeting at a company not too far away and decided to drop by for a meal.

Stepping into the restaurant, his eyes scanned the place as a waiter approached him. While their routine conversation carried on, he saw a familiar face, one that had been on his mind.

"Sir do you have a reservation or would you like a table?" The waiter asked.

Lu Aotian waved off the need for a reservation, indicating towards Mei Xing's table. "No need, I'm meeting someone here," he said with a nod in Mei Xing's direction.

"Understood sir," the waiter replied, leading Lu Aotian towards Mei Xing's table.

He approached Mei Xing, a warm smile on his face. She seemed to be in good spirits.

"May I join the beautiful lady on this table?" He asked.

As soon as their gaze met, he saw the twinkle of surprise in her irises as she called his name.

"Lu Aotian!"

"Hi, Mei Xing. Nice to see you again."