You Can Get A Divorce


The door burst open, drawing the attention of its occupant. Soft clicks of bold red stilettos echoed as a slender woman entered, clad in a white wrap mini dress, her hips swaying seductively with each step.

"You won't believe what I saw," she announced, striding confidently towards the desk where a man sat.

"You already said that when you called an hour ago," Feng Houyi replied with a hint of exasperation.

"I know," Gao Min replied, flipping her red hair behind her shoulder as she rounded the desk, leaning leisurely against it.

Feng Houyi motioned for his secretary to leave, his attention fully on the woman before him as the door clicked shut.

"Is that why you barged into my office like this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Duh!" Gao Min rolled her eyes. "I told you I was coming over, didn't I? You could have at least informed your people about my visit. I hold that much importance to you, don't I, babe?"