A Game Plan


Mei Xing emerged from the construction site, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the dusty ground. A bead of sweat trickled down her temple, and the familiar ache in her shoulders told her she'd spent another productive, if physically demanding, hour on her feet.

With a final wave to Mr Fu, who was deep in conversation with one of the workers, she reminded him, "Don't forget, Mr Fu, let the site supervisor know about my call with the supplier. Have them stand by to swap out those subpar materials as soon as I give the green light."

Mr Fu, wiping his brow with a calloused hand, nodded in understanding. "Consider it done, Ms Mei Xing. Safety first, always."

Mei Xing offered a tired smile. Dealing with the material issue had eaten into her schedule. Checking her silver watch piece, it was clear there was still time to squeeze in some work before her meeting with Yang Longwen and her lawyer.