

Seeing as Lu Aotian was upset, Yicheng bowed his head. "I apologize."

A cold dread settled in Lu Aotian's gut. He waved the minor issue off and asked the important question. "Was she injured? Is she alright?"

Yicheng shook his head. "I don't know, sir. I've been trying to reach Zhiyu but it keeps going to voicemail."

Panic clawed at Lu Aotian's heart. He couldn't bear the thought of Mei Xing being in danger.

"Get me connected with the local authorities," he ordered, his voice tight. "And mobilize our security team. I want a search party deployed to that highway, now!"

Yicheng nodded briskly, his efficient professionalism kicking in. As he tapped away furiously on his tablet, Lu Aotian felt a surge of helplessness.

Mei Xing, with her beautiful smile and unwavering determination, couldn't be… no, he wouldn't allow himself to think that way.