Amusement or Desire?


Lu Aotian was captivated as he slowly took Mei Xing in. She wore a pair of white sandals and a white sundress with pink peonies that flared at her hips, hugged her narrow waist and made her boobs look... so good.

He gulped at the sight of the unblemished skin of her neck adorned by a single gold chain holding a peony flower resting comfortably on her cleavage.

Her face looked more radiant and pretty– must be because she had her hair up in a slightly loose bun. Her glossy pink lip locked between her teeth as his eyes settled on them.

"Hi," he said, his voice sounding breathy.

A blush coloured the apple of Mei Xing's cheeks. She fiddled with the strings of her crop cotton jacket tied into a bow below her clothed breasts.

"Hi," she echoed his words.

She had never had a man ravish her with his eyes before. She didn't know what to do or say other than to follow his lead.