Brain Injury


An hour later, Mei Xing emerged from the labyrinthine hospital corridors, clutching a duffle bag and blinking back sudden tears. The air hung heavy, a stark contrast to the turmoil in her chest.

Despite promising herself to stay home and rest, the image of Lu Aotian, his face etched with worry, had her racing towards Weilong.

Reaching the waiting room near the emergency theatre, her breath hitched. Lu Aotian sat hunched beside his father, a stark contrast to the composed man she knew.

His hand drummed a frantic rhythm on his knee, portraying his anxiety. Every few seconds, his gaze would dart towards the double doors. He looked vulnerable and... scared.

"Aotian!" she called out, her voice echoing in the quiet waiting room.

Two heads turned in her direction, but Mei Xing's focus locked on the pair of green orbs. His usually vibrant eyes were clouded with worry.