Worth It


Mei Xing sat on her bed, surrounded by an array of dresses, each one discarded after a moment's contemplation. The soft music from her laptop announced an incoming video call.

She eagerly accepted it, revealing Yi Chuhua's smiling face on the screen. The background showed her cozy bedroom, complete with plush cushions and a cluttered bookshelf.

"Hey, Mei. Woah! Did your wardrobe throw up in there? What's with the clothes?" Yi Chuhua asked, her voice brimming with curiosity and concern.

"I can't decide what to wear for my... an outing with Lu Aotian," Mei Xing confessed avoiding Yi Chuhua's knowing gaze.

"Ooh! Someone's got a hot date with their crush," Yi Chuhua teased.

"It's not a date," Mei Xing argued.

"Is he picking you up? Are you going to places together? Will you grab dinner? Will he drop you back home?" Yi Chuhua shot her a series of questions.