Threatened Me


As Lu Aotian and Mei Xing arrived at a quaint café, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries enveloped them.

They found a cozy table by the window, the sunlight streaming in, casting a warm glow over their faces.

The taste of buttery croissants and rich espresso added to the delightful ambiance, making the moment feel even more special.

"So, the museum exhibit," Lu Aotian began, leaning back in his chair, "are there any specific pieces you're excited to see?"

Mei Xing swallowed down her croissant with a sip from her espresso. "Definitely the contemporary section. I read a fascinating article last year about a sculptor, Wei Shoi-Ming. He uses recycled materials to create these incredible abstract pieces. It makes you question the very definition of art."

Lu Aotian, impressed by her genuine interest in art, raised an eyebrow. "Recycled materials, huh? That sounds intriguing."