PROLOUGE 3: Kyren Basics.

Hiro, Hajime, and Akane stood on top of the roof talking.

"Nice to meet you," Hiro said, bowing down. Akane chuckled awkwardly,

"No need to be so formal," Akane said. Hiro stood up, nodding.

"So, why are you my sensei?" Hiro asked. Akane cleared her throat,

"We have a mission... We need to find and protect the daughter of the Fournier family..." Akane said. Hiro raised a brow,

"The Fournier family..?" Hiro asked. Akane sighed,

"I guess I need to inform you..." Akane said. Hiro raised a brow, once again.

"There are multiple realms in this place we call life," Akane said. Hiro nodded,

"This realm is called, Exul." Akane said. Hiro nodded.

"The Fournier family, used to rule over the regalis realm," Akane explained. There would be a lush green field, full of flowers and trees.

"The members of this family were King Lucius Fournier, Queen Rosa Fournier, Princess Lyra Fournier, and-" Akane said before getting cut off.

"Wait a second... Did you say Lyra?" Hiro asked. Akane nodded, raising a brow.

"Yeah, what about her?" Akane asked. 

Hiro grabbed the Katanas by their sheathes, showing them to Akane.

"She gave me these," Hiro said. Akane and Hajime's eyes widened in shock,

"Do you know where she is now!?" Akane asked. Hiro nodded,

"Yeah, she's at my house..." Hiro said.

Akane nodded,

"Lead the way!" Akane said. Hiro nodded, jumping down from the roof. Hiro ran back to his house with the other two following behind him.

"Why, what's wrong??" Hiro asked. Akane grit her teeth

"Her name is Lyra Alessandria Fournier... She's the first daughter of King Fournier!!" Akane shouted. Hiro nodded,

"Okay?" Hiro asked.

Akane sighed, "She has a bounty on her head!" Akane shouted. Hiro's eyes widened.

"What!? H-How much!?" Hiro asked.

Akane gulped,

"One Billion Aera!" Akane said. Hiro then began to run faster and turned left around a corner.

"Shortcut..." Hiro said. They followed. They ran down the street until they arrived at his house. The house looked untouched, walking up to the front door. Hiro took out his key unlocking it. Hiro walked in with the others,

"Lyra!?" Hiro shouted. She sat on the floor eating a tub of ice cream. She smiled seeing Hiro. Hiro let out a sigh of relief walking over to her. Akane and Hajime walked in behind him, looking at Lyra. Akane's eyes widened,

"Lyra..." Akane whispered. A few minutes later, they all sat in his room. Hiro sat on his bed with Lyra hiding behind him.

"So... Can you talk to her or something..?" Hiro asked.

Akane nodded,

"I'll try... My Latin is kind of rusty..." Akane said. Hiro nodded. Akane cleared her throat,

"Lyra." Akane said. Lyra popped her head over Hiro's shoulder.

"Quid est!?" Lyra said.

Akane sighed,

"Esne bene..?" Akane asked. Lyra's eyes widened, and she crawled onto the floor and sat across from Akane.

"Tu loqueris!?" Lyra asked. Akane nodded. Lyra suddenly hugged her, smiling.

"Lyra u tene... Loqui necesse est..." Akane said. Lyra nodded, letting go of Akane and backing up. Lyra sat in a cris cross position on the floor.

"Quomodo huc venisti?" Akane asked. Lyra put a finger on her chin.

"Speculum, si bene memini." Akane looked up at Hiro in confusion.

"What'd she say," Hiro asked. Akane scratched the side of her head,

"'Mirror'..." Akane said. Hiro looked confused as well,

"Mirror??" Hiro said. Lyra tapped Akane's shoulder.

"Veneficus," Lyra said. Akane's eyes widened in surprise.

"A Sorcerer..." Akane said in confusion. Hiro sighed,

"Can you guys take her somewhere or something… I have school tomorrow and I can't have her there if she doesn't even know Japanese…" Hiro said. Akane looked over at Hiro nodding. Akane then looked back at Lyra. 

"Nos postulo ut hinc, est bene tecum? maiestatem tuam?" Akane asked Lyra. Lyra put a finger on her chin and then pointed at Hiro. Hiro shook his head.

"Praecipio tibi ut hic maneam!" Lyra shouted. Hiro looked over at Akane. 

"She orders you to let her stay here..." Akane said. 

"What!? This is my house!" Hiro shouted. Hiro walked over to Lyra, pointing at her face.

"Listen here, Princess! Just because you're royalty in a different dimension doesn't mean you get to order me around, you hear me!?" Hiro yelled. She looked shocked. Lyra stood up, running out of the room. Akane sighed, slapping her face.

"She's a princess, you need to go easy on her a little bit-"

"Bull crap! She needs to face reality a little bit!" Hiro said. Akane sighed. The door then flew open as a young woman with black hair and a ponytail entered. 

"HIRO!! WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE!!??" The woman said. Hiro gulped.

"This is my sister... Rin..." Hiro said. Akane nodded, standing up. Akane bowed in front of Rin.

"I'm Akane Nishihara and that's my student Hajime Yoshimura," Akane said, pointing at Hajime. Rin crossed her arms nodding.

"Yeah uhm... THAT STILL DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE!!" Rin shouted. Hiro sighed, standing up. Hiro walked over to Rin putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm-" Suddenly, there was a loud explosion outside. 

"... Down..." Hiro said, sighing. He took his hand off Rin's shoulder, grabbed the Katana's, and ran out of his room. Akane and Hajime followed suit.

"What the f&%$ is going on..." Rin said, passing out.

Meanwhile, Hiro ran outside seeing a humanoid standing there. Lyra ran next to Hiro, hiding behind him. Akane and Hajime ran out, seeing a young man standing there. He had neat brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a white collared shirt and khaki pants.

"So, you're Ryuji's vessel?" The brown-haired man said. Hiro looked heavily confused.

"Who the hell is Ryuji??" Hiro asked. The brown-haired young man chuckled. Lyra had a nervous look on her face. 

"Why don't you let her explain it to you...?" The man asked. 

"I don't understand her-" Hiro said before being interrupted.

"Ryuji's one of the five demons..." Lyra said in perfect English. Hiro looked back in shock. 

"How are you speaking English..." Hiro said. Lyra raised a brow.

"I'm not... I'm speaking in Latin..." Lyra said. The young man chuckled. 

"Aha... I love seeing the first-time reactions..." He held a little black round device with a red button in the middle. He then flicked it to Hiro.

"That'll get you over any language barrier... You're welcome, mortal." The man said. 

"Just to make it easier for you, I'll give you the pleasure of letting you know my name..." The man said. Hiro glared at him, sweating slightly.

"To you, I may just look like a very good-looking human, but that's not it at all... In human terms, I'm what you mortals call, An Angel." The man said. 

"My name is Abaddon... And I'm here to kill Ryuji..." Said Abaddon.