PROLOUGE 4: Battle Against An Angel

Hiro stood there in shock. 

"So in essence... You're here to kill me..." Hiro asked. Abaddon shrugged, pulling out a knife.

"If that makes it easier for Ryuji to get out here..." Abaddon said. Hiro began to sweat even more. Lyra stepped back in fear of Ryuji coming out. 

"No..." Hiro said, pulling out the two Katana. Adabbon raised a brow in confusion. 

"I'm going to fight you myself..." Hiro said, slightly shaking. Adabbon looked at Hiro with a straight face. Adabbon then burst into laughing.

"BAHAHAHA!!" Adabbon laughed. He then calmed down, chuckling a bit. He pointed his knife at Hiro.

"I'll give it to you, you've got a lot of confidence for a mortal boy... My little sister would like you a lot." Adabbon said. Hiro looked confused, 

"What's that gotta do with anything..." Hiro asked. Adabbon shrugged,

"Don't know... Just putting it out there if you two ever end up meeting..." Adabbon said. Hiro looked confused but Adabbon just shook his head. 

"Anyways, if you want to fight me yourself, be my guest..." Adabbon said. Hiro held his swords but Adabbon vanished. 

"Where'd he go!?" Hiro internalized. 

"Behind you... Mid-air..." Ryuji said in Hiro's mind. Hiro's eyes widened as he turned to block the attack. Adabbon appeared, striking Ryuji's blades. Adabbon grinned,

"So he is in there!! Tell him to come on out!" Adabbon shouted. Hiro grits his teeth, pushing back. Adabbon's eyes widened in shock but he was still grinning. Adabbon jumped, sliding back. 

"Let's take this somewhere else, I don't want to destroy your beautiful home," Adabbon said. Suddenly, the two appeared in a forest at the break of dawn. 

"Where the hell are we??" Hiro asked. 

"Black Hills National Forest... South Dakota." Adabbon said. Hiro's eyes widened in shock, looking around. 

"What the hell?? How'd we get to America??" Hiro asked. Adabbon raised a brow,

"Isn't it obvious... I teleported us here..." Adabbon said. Adabbon then walked on toward Hiro. 

"You wanna know how I knew Ryuji spoke to you...?" Adabbon asked. Hiro nodded, his hands shaking a little more.

"Because..." Adabbon said, egging him on. 

"I don't sense a single ounce of Kyren inside your body..." Adabbon said. Hiro's eyes widen. He thought back to when Akane taught him about Kyren on the roof of that building. 

"You know, Reverse Kyren Infected Weapons, Sensing Presence, Sealing, Reversing Time, Healing, Natural Body Armor, Body amplification." The woman said.

Back in the present, Hiro closed his eyes, breathing in and out slowly. 

"BAHAHAHAHA!!" Ryuji laughed loudly. Hiro opened his eyes in confusion. Ryuji stood there, leaning on Hiro's shoulder. Hiro stepped away from him, surprised. 

"You're trying to use Kyren with no training whatsoever...!?" Ryuji asked. Adabbon raised a brow as he couldn't see Ryuji. 

"What's Ryuji saying to you, Mortal...?" Adabbon asked. Hiro looked over at Adabbon in shock. 

"Uhm, he's making fun of me that I'm trying to use Kyren with no training..." Hiro said. Adabbon chuckled,

"I agree with him on that point, you're pretty stupid if you're attempting that," Adabbon said. Adabbon sighed, 

"How about you two switch already," Adabbon said. Hiro looked over at Ryuji. 

"No, I don't need this kid taking the coward's way out..." Ryuji said. 

"If he doesn't come out, I'm just going to beat you until he does," Adabbon said. Ryuji chuckled, 

"Well kid, I'll just make sure to heal your vital organs... Go ahead, tell him I'm not coming out..." Ryuji said. Hiro's eyes widened in shock. Adabbon started to laugh,

"Let me guess... He's not coming out..." Adabbon said. A light yellow aura then appeared around Adabbon's fists. The knife in Adabbon's hand then shattered. Hiro looked at Adabbon's fists in shock.

"W-What's that glowing stuff around your hands..." Adabbon looked surprised. 

"So, you've been exposed to it enough to at least see it..." Adabbon said. Adabbon then put both hands together, cracking his knuckles. 

"Once I beat you up, you'll have enough to develop it more..." Adabbon said. Adabbon then vanished, appearing in front of Hiro a split second later. Adabbon then threw a punch toward Hiro's chest. Hiro reacted by blocking with the katanas in an 'X' formation. Hiro flew backward, flying through multiple trees. 

Adabbon re-tracted his fist, looking at it. Steam came off of his knuckles. He grinned, seeing his knuckles heal. 

"His reaction time is really damn fast..." Adabbon said. Adabbon flew toward Hiro, pummeling him. As Adabbon kept punching Hiro, he dragged him making a trail in the ground. Cracking sounds could be heard as the bones in Hiro's body kept breaking. Hiro slashed his sword toward Adabbon's neck, but the angel just dodged it like it was a kid using a foam sword. 

Adabbon then stopped pummeling him as steam radiated from Hiro's body from the pressure of the punches. Hiro weased heavily, attempting to breathe. Adabbon stared down at Hiro, opening his fists.

"All that confidence and you barely put up a fight... Ryuji, come out and give me an actual fight..." Adabbon said. Hiro just sat there, wheezing for air. Adabbon grits his teeth, kneeling and looking Hiro in the eye. 

"This is horrible, seeing all this blood on a weak coward who didn't fight back at all..." Adabbon said. 

"You're weak... Hiroyuki Shiroma... You'd better hope I don't see you in my presence again... Or you'll be dead..." Adabbon said. Adabbon looked at Hiro's bloody right leg. 

"That princess' dimension holds a tournament every Earth year... I want you to train... And then we'll fight again once that time comes... I hope what I said about you was right..." Adabbon said.

"Also... Before I leave... I'll take my trophy..." Adabbon said. Adabbon put his hand on Hiro's thigh.

"And hope Ryuji can regenerate this..."

"... Because I'll be keeping this..." Hiro's eyes widened before he passed out.




Hiro's eyes opened wide, as he sat up screaming.

"AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!" Hiro screamed. Akane and Hajime held Hiro's arms. Tears rolled down Hiro's face. Hiro looked at Akane in shock. 

"... What..." Hiro said quietly. 

"... What happened..." Hiro whispered. Akane looked angrily at Hiro. 

"Why'd you fight him!" Akane shouted. Hiro looked down at his bandaged hands. It was quiet, Hiro didn't give a response as his vocal cord was shattered. Hiro slowly clenched his fists looking over at Akane. Tears began to roll down Hiro's face.

"... I'm..." 

"... Too..."

"... Weak..." 

  1. Adabbon rips out Hiro's right femur.