Hallowed Wishes

Moshi moshi!-(Hello!) It is I, Yumi. It's been two nights since I sent those fairy triplets back where they belong... (Sighs) Those nettling sisters wore me out. Believe me...

I since found rest and renewal at this great Inn near the highway, where I was chasing those sisters. Going back to yesterday early morning, I felt a new close-by energy arise.

Like the last beings I ran into, this energy didn't feel harmful in the slightest.

Yesterday Yumi thought, ''Wha? . .How can this energy...feel so kind? . .Who.....am I sensing? Tch! I ought to find, if this is real or a smart trap!''

Now today, after I jam-packed my stomach, I will discover what this sensation I am feeling is all about!

My senses guided me to the south west direction, a bit off the highway. Drawing near a area that looked popular, I started to sense like before, another energy moving away from my location.

I was frustrated that I could feel one getting away, but unfortunately...(Sigh) I had to know what the first energy I sensed was all about first.....

I found a spot with a old looking castle and tons of people around it. I landed and had to ask around what this place was. Once I understood, I was very interested, because.....

Yumi eagerly thought, ''It's a restored hotel!? . .(Blown away, and giggling)''

evidently, I found a business called Langley Castle. It was unarguably a ancient fort, then after some bizarre history, it was radically restored to a historical hotel.

Best of all, I saw tons of couples leaving here.

Yumi told herself, ''(Thinking) Now, Yumi! This is your job! . .You can't let yoursel...(Distracted)''

I walked in this castle being blown away by it's fetching sights, and a amazing lounge to boot! I had the front desk clerk explain there services to me at length...

Later after I was walking to my room...

Yumi thought while marveling, ''Uh! . .Hold on... I' am on a job here. Stop getting distracted, Yumi! . . . .Now, now... Whoever I sensed, they have to be here somewhere... Where are they?''

Directly after, I started to hear this uncanny giggling echoing from somewhere near by, ...I think?

Yumi thought, ''Uh? . .Is that...strange sound.....laughing, I hear? It has a...unusual pitch...to it...''

Never mind what it was, it soon stopped and I wasn't able to find where the alleged sounds where coming from... At that moment, I couldn't sense enough to tell where it was lurking at the castle...

Later, it could be dinner time...

Earlier, when the lounge clerk listed off this hotel's services, one of the most thrilling ones, on which I couldn't miss was...

Yumi high-spirited, said, ''They have wedges here?! (Gasps) Here's my fish! I must try the soup I ordered too!!''

I am sure looking back, their food here is so heart-stirring that it most likely brought out my more yokai-like behavior. I usually don't eat much, but here I must have gorged on three separate meals!!

For those who are most likely pondering, 'how am I affording everything?' I do have a answer.

Though my foster father had passed a while ago, the Shinto shrine I was raised at gives me a allowance once a week. They put the yen in a envelope in which I use my gate ability to quickly collect it.

I than go to a bank in different area to exchange my allowance for this state's money. You might remember, I said that I can use my gate ability once I've been at a area before. Anyway...

When I was done feasting, I was so full that I could barely turn my neck one bit. To my left, I  saw and heard  something interesting...

Quaint girl said, ''Mm... I found that meal, um.....very savory... Didn't you think so too? You did? (Laughs) Then I am happy too.''

Yumi thought, ''Who.....is she talking too? I don't...see anybody...''

Server asked, ''Miss. Will that be all?'' Quaint girl replied shyly, ''It was one of the most lovingly meals we've had in years. I've had enough for four people.''

Server asked, ''Four people? We've? Miss, who are you dialoguing about?'' Quaint girl nervously replied, ''Don't worry. I mean my friends. They are satisfied too.''

Yumi thought, ''Friends? What? Uh-uhh.....!''

I was very keen about this girl, but I was so full that I fainted and lost track.....

Hours later, at night in the halls...

Yumi thought, ''For mercy's sake! Why did I have to faint... Ugh. Now, how will...I.....find.....uh, her?'' Same quaint girl, ''Uh, hi!''

Just like that, I met her on the way to my room. I had to act, right then!

Yumi quietly shouted, ''Please, wait! I want to ask you some things!'' Quaint girl asked frightened, ''Um! Ahh! . .W-What do you need?''

We went to her hotel room to 'calmly chat.'

Quaint girl nervously asked, ''You're Miss Yumi, and your deal with other Yokai?'' Yumi calmly replied, ''Mmm-hm. I thought so, you are the yokai I was searching for, aren't you?''

Quaint girl replied, ''Right... I am Akina. I am a well spirit from the yokai realm.'' Yumi asked, ''A...well spirit?''

Akina said with a mournful smile, ''I have spent my life living in a cave under a well. Usually, I am content with that, recently that changed for me.

Days ago, a gate opened for me from Usagi and she told me to have fun. So I took this opportune chance and soon found this warm hotel, where me and my spirits had much fun.''

Yumi asked puzzled, ''So, that's how you got here?'' Akina replied, ''You are correct, on that.'' Yumi asked, ''Are...these spirits, what you were talking about downstairs before?''

Akina said smiling, ''They are. (Looks around) You three can come out.'' Yumi reacted, ''Wow... They are bright and inviting.....''

Akina said, ''These three are my only friends, though they are only separate parts of me...'' Yumi said, ''They are parts of you...?''

Akina said, ''They are... Other yokai back home, they know me, but they aren't my true friends...'' Yumi said gloomily, ''Speaking of that, like I said, I came here to bring you back home...''

Akina said, ''I realized that... Regardless, I was going to leave this hotel tomorrow anyway, and search for Usagi.''

Yumi said, ''Ohh! . .Hold on, if you want. I can bring you home with my abilities to open gates. Do you mind if I wait to take you home tomorrow morning?

Also, it's-my job to search for her, because she is making my job more difficult lately.'' Akina asked in shock, ''You would do that, for a spirit like me? You can do that?''

Yumi smilingly agreed, ''If you're happy with it.'' Akina earnestly nodded and said, ''I would like that... I must add, (Deep breath) please, find Usagi for me, please!''

Yumi said, ''You can bet-I will! (Smiles)'' Akina said humbly, ''Than I am happy too.....''

Yumi embarrassed, said, ''Since you said, ...you didn't have friends..... Let's talk about each-other for a little while...'' Akina gaspingly said, ''Y-Y-You mean?''

Yumi shyly said, ''Yes. I meant, I will be one of your...friends, I guess...'' Akina eagerly asked, ''O-O-Okay... If you are alright, talking with a spirit like I.....''

That night, we spent hours talking about each-other and things we both experienced as fellow yokai...

See you next time!!