Mystical Crossing...

Konbanwa...-(Good evening) Yesterday afternoon, while sending that irksome Tengu back, I realized something not good...

Past Yumi thought, ''Hmm..... Uhh!! Hold on! . .Now that I think about it, him and the Sanzu River guide I newly met..... Those two weren't her...initial friends that rolled out of the rabbit's gateway, right?

I think.....I would've remembered if I saw them, so..... No... No..... Don't tell me! NO!! . .Did she bring more afterwards?!?! NOOO-''

I didn't want to believe it, but... (Sniff) reality hit me last night... It meant that sometime after I lost the rabbit, she must've brought more of her friends to 'play' here...

When I accepted it, I spent the next day and morning chewing over what my options were... I dreamt about my realizations that night to boot...

For breakfast this morning, I still stuffed myself, yet I wasn't enjoying it for I could only taste my difficult future.....

After breakfast, it hit me, that in a way, this was what I set out to do in my life anyway, so I shouldn't have been so blown away to begin with...

I started thinking about how stupid I must have been... I tried to think of my past to smile like normal again... A bit later, when I could smile again, I tried to think of how to handle my situation.

Around 7:00 PM or so, when I was trying to get a hold on my sanity, something strange sprung up. A familiar feeling welled up in me like I had felt before.

I felt more calm, and level-headed. I mean, I should if I am this story's heroine after all!

I than heard, only for a moment something interesting. I swore that I heard what sounded like sparkling or glimmering.

I was hit with suddenly sensing something not very urgent, yet it still felt like a problem to deal with. I psyched myself up and left that hotel I was staying at.

I headed east, and I saw something surprising... Right at the point where the westmost highway starts, I encountered a faint sighting of a familiar yokai.

Yumi said to herself, ''Wait. Those wings... That dress... and that glimmering? Where have I encountered all of that before? Mmm.....''

To make sure of a theory, I switched to the spirit realm again. When my eyes adjusted, I realized why I recognized her.

Yumi shouted, ''It's those fairy triplets I helped seasons ago! Why are they here instead of being back in Japan? . .Not again! (Groans) . .I think that was the older sister... Uhh!! I better catch up quickly!''

[Author's Note]: Each fairy triplet is only a couple seconds older.

I have met these cute sisters before. They aren't much actual trouble because they're only fixation is curing everybody's inner stress, but they belong in their own realm...

Also, they are the size of a child's doll, if you were wondering.

It doesn't take much to realize that because the oldest one is here, the other two must also be on that highway or nearer-by.

Moments later...

Driver A asked, ''Uh? . .Why do I so... free? Ahhhhh...'' Driver B thought, ''(Sighs) Mmm? It almost feels like..... my vanishing...''

Older Fairy sister calmly said, ''Everybody... Stop getting yourselves so stressed out... (Giggles) Let me cure your inner hearts...''

Yumi shouted, ''Yuka!'' Yuka quietly frightened, ''Ehh!! Ahh?! Wha?''

Yumi asked, ''What are you here? This isn't where you're supposed to be!'' Yuka replied slightly anxious, ''Y-Yumi? Is it truthfully you?''

Yumi replied sighing, ''Yes. It's really me. I am here in England to fix a mess I half-caused... Answer me, why are you here, in such a unusual location?''

Yuka replied, ''Me? (Giggles) I am here to spread human joy, and make them feel all bright inside!''

Yumi said bitterly, ''Your not doing anything wrong here, but if you want to do that, you can spread your joy back where you and your sisters belong.''

Yuka gleefully said, ''If you want me to return, you'll have to catch us all first! (Giggles again)'' Yumi anxiously said, ''Huh?! Get back here!''

I hoped I wouldn't have too, but I ended up chasing the oldest sister while on the watch for the other two... Since I last met them, they seemed to move quick and cure peoples hearts and minds faster.

It took minutes to catch up to her again. When I almost caught up, we both saw the second older sister.

Yuka quietly yelled, ''Yukari! Look at who's here, behind me!'' Yukari reacted, ''Sister? What are you-(Agh!)''

Yuka yelled, ''She's here to ruin our spreading of cheer! Please, get away!'' Yumi said, ''That's enough of you.''

Yuka asked, ''This paper... It seems fami-(Faints)'' Yukari cried out, ''Sister!!''

I put a talisman on her with a spell to fall asleep for a limited time. Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Yumi confidently said, ''Alright! Time for you to return.'' After I put her to sleep, I sent her through a gateway back home. Now, I still have two more sisters to deal with.

Yukari said, ''Y-you imp! I-I-I must scatter quickly! Bye!'' Yumi yelled, ''Not you too! (Smirks)''

Annoyingly enough, I had to chase after the other sister, and she moves so fast too. She was also healing the few others people on the road while trying to run from me.

These sisters are so committed to what they do, it's strangely amazing in a weird way. Along halfway into chasing her, the youngest sister, Yui appeared and started asking her what was going on while still flying...

Yui said, ''Halt for a minute.'' Yukari asked, ''What is it?'' Yui asked, ''Where did she go?''

Yukari asked, ''What do you mean, isn't she still after-huh? . .Uh? . .Your right... She vanished..... Did she give-(Screams from both)''

I ambushed them both and victoriously put sleeping talismans on their heads. Yumi said amusingly, ''Al-right!!'' 

I managed somehow, to bring them back home after all...

See you soon!