
The doctors were still in the operation room an hour later. Teddy was trembling, freezing, and growing restless. He bit his fingers and asked, "when the doctors in the operating room would emerge" . "Let's be patient" , Mrs. Smith said.

The doctors left the operating room after three hours. Teddy approached him right away. He clenched his fists, his eyes widened, and he asked, "Doctor, how's my mother, she's okay right?". The doctor heaved a heavy sigh. "Unfortunately, your mother's health is critical; she is unconscious, and it appears that she hit her head barely when she fell, which resulted in internal bleeding". His jaw fell, and his eyes widened as he began to shake. He approached him, "doctor, may I please see my mom?" he begged. "Unfortunately, it is unsafe for anyone to be close to her at this time, we need to keep a close eye on her. Please understand". His body continued to shake and tremble as tears began to pour from his eyes. 

He backed by two steps. He grit his teeth and clenched his hands, asking, "So what will happen to my mom, is she going to die?". "As of right now, we don't know, but we have conducted additional testing to check whether she has any additional issues, the findings will be out tomorrow" . Teddy remained silent when the doctor stated that, instead, he just stared at him without moving. Taking Teddy's hand, Mrs. Smith commanded, "come here." "Come sit down, I have something I want to tell you."

They both went to the chair and sat down. Mrs. Smith gave him her jacket after removing it. "take this, you're freezing, okay?" Teddy remained silent. "Teddy, I'm not sure whether I mentioned that this is a private hospital when we spoke on the phone. Your mother's hospital bills for this week are covered by my medical insurance, and I'll also give you his salary for the next two months. Since Ms. Williams has worked for me for 10 years and I haven't had any complaints about her job, I know it's not enough, but it's the least I can do for her, she said. 

He looked at Mrs. Smith with red eyes and said, "Thank you, that truly means a lot to me." But I'll advise you to make plans for her transfer to the closest public hospital on Thursday because you won't be able to afford the high charges of this hospital unless your mother has medical insurance". He exhaled deeply. "Sadly, she does not have it because my poor mother was too preoccupied worried about my education to obtain medical insurance". 

She brushed Teddy's hair and whispered, "It's okay just have him transferred to the public hospital everything will be fine okay?, don't beat yourself up." She added, checking the time on her watch, "I have to go now. I was meant to be at work, but I told them I had an emergency and I won't be in the office for 5 hours, and those 5 hours are about to be gone. "You'll be okay, right?" she enquired. "Yes, thank you very much; I'll handle the rest." As Mrs. Smith began to leave, she said, "Okay little man, I'm going now, bye!" 

He responded, "bye! ".

Teddy spent the entire night at the hospital and didn't go home. He didn't get a wink of sleep since he was worried about his mother. He was sitting there when an unknown person came by. "Hey you little boy, you have been staying here for too long, did you eat something?". 

She was watching him from the window when he remarked, "I'm alright ma'am, don't mind me. I won't eat anything until my mother wakes up." That's your mother, what happened to her?". He gulped his saliva." She fell on the stairs". " "that's awful, so don't you have a family member come and replace you because it seems like you're still young and you're supposed to be at school," she said.  Teddy's eyes started to well up with tears. "My poor mother has no family.. I am the only family she has if I leave her here, she will have no one," he said. She was given a brown bag with scones and hot coffee by the woman. "I might not know your mother, but I do know that no parent would be able to watch their child starve to death out of concern for them. Here take this okay?". Additionally, she added, "If you don't take good care of yourself, you will die before meeting your mother. If you don't stay active and strong, you won't get to see her". While he was grabbing the bag, he added, "I haven't thought about that thank you.

"Your mother is so lucky to have a son like you, what's your name? I wish my son was this kind". "Teddy, my name is Teddy." "What a lovely name, okay Teddy, I'll keep you and your mother in my prayers, but I also need to check on my husband who is being treated here at the hospital" . "Ma'am, thank you so much." The woman turned and left.


At this time in the morning, it was 9:00; the doctor was scheduled to arrive at 10:00 with the results. Teddy tried to eat the scones but found it difficult because he didn't seem to be hungry. Instead, he drank the coffee.



The doctor arrived with the results after one hour and 40 minutes. Teddy was seated in the chair. He was approached by the doctor. He questioned, "Are you Teddy Williams?". When Teddy spotted him, he stood up right away. "Ye.... well, it's me", he stuttered. "Look, your mother's results are out,"

"What do they say, doctor, please tell me?" Did you know that your mum has oesophageal cancer in stage 4? Teddy moved a short distance away, his eyes widening and his brows arched. "Doctor, please tell me you're joking, there must have been some sort of error or something in the results; are you sure that they are not tampered with because my mother is not cancerous."

"I'm afraid they're not, and now that your mother has cancer it will be difficult for us to perform any surgery in her instead the only thing we can do is wait for her to gain consciousness by herself," she said. Teddy's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He was unable to stand up straight, felt disoriented, and immediately collapsed to the ground.

"Are you okay?" the doctor said. As tears streamed down his face, he stammered, "My.... Mom is going to live me I'll be left in this world all by myself." He arched his eyebrows at the doctor and inquired, "Doctor, when do you think he will wake up?" I'm sorry to say that I can't give you a straight response now that your mother has cancer. She will be motivated to awaken in this situation by her will to live. Some coma patients awaken after a week, while others take three months or even a year to do so", the doctor said. He screamed "no! no! no!" and hit his ears with both hands as he sobbed.