I'm sick of being their punching bag

Teddy decided he would take the chance of selling the jacket. As it was already late, he made the decision to go to bed in order to wake up the next morning and shoot appealing photos of the jacket to draw in customers.

Teddy struggled to fall asleep for a while. He found the bed to be uncomfortable, and the stress of being unemployed and having numerous debts had prevented him from sleeping at all. Additionally, he was considering the fair price at which he would market the blazer. He was still considering that when he eventually got a little sleep.

Teddy went to bed around 2:00 a.m. Due to the neighborhood's extreme crowdedness and complete lack of privacy. At six in the morning, the loud music emanating from his neighboring neighbors woke him up. He struggled to fall asleep, and now that he had, some people decided to blatantly blast loud music in the morning, and he was very upset when he woke up.

As a result of getting drenched in the rain yesterday, he discovered when he woke up that he had a fever. To make matters worse, he lacked any available medication. Shivering, he got out of bed and walked over to the window to look outside.

It was still chilly outside, and it appeared as though it would rain soon. Teddy made the decision to stay indoors because he already had a fever and didn't want to get any worse.

He returned to his bed to try to fall asleep, but he was unable to do so since he was too cold despite having enough blankets to cover himself. There was absolutely no change.He chose to get up. He went to his door and opened it to let light into the house. He then got a white sheet and spread it carefully on the floor before grabbing the jacket that Mr. Joeng had given him.

He began by thoroughly wiping the jacket with a towel to get rid of any dirt. When he was finished, he put it correctly and then used his phone to take some shots. After finishing, he picked the top five photos and posted them online.He then drank some water and went back to sleep.

He made the decision to spend the entire day in bed because he was too lazy to go to the store to purchase himself medicine and the temperature was becoming worse. Teddy was also concerned that he might run across the loan landers once more, which would put him in trouble once more as he had told his neighbors that they wouldn't visit the location again. He chose to stay in bed and sleep all day.

He made the decision to check his phone while he was still on the bed to make sure he hadn't received any messages regarding the blazer. When he searched, he discovered a number of messages from individuals who were considering purchasing the blazer. Teddy planned to lower the price by R500 but wanted to sell it for R11k just in case someone requested a discount. Surprisingly, however, no reduction was desired by the public. 

Teddy was giddy by that. In order to meet with one of the buyers, he set up a meeting for tomorrow. He walked to his table to take a slice of bread and added a butter. After he finished eating the slice of bread, he returned to sleep.He was in the mood for soup and had no desire to eat any more bread. He began to miss his mother as a result of that. His mother used to make soup for him whenever he would get a fever.

Teddy made the decision to go the restroom. He returned, cleaned his hands, and then went back to sleep. He didn't wash his body because he didn't feel like doing anything. 

By Wednesday morning, his temperature had somewhat subsided. He had promised to meet the individual who wanted to purchase the blazer at 11:00. He took a bath after heating the water on the stove when he woke up at 8 am. He didn't want the person to recognize him, so when he was finished, he dressed all in black and wore a black cap. He was unhappy with his choice, but he was forced to make it since at the moment, all he wanted was to pay his debts and buy food.

It was 10:30 a.m.Teddy got up, locked his door, and went to meet the guy. They were scheduled to meet in a restaurant in the city. The person was waiting for Teddy when Teddy arrived at the restaurant.They greeted one another and exchanged the goods without engaging in much conversation. Teddy counted the cash to make sure there was sufficient. The amount was sufficient. They both left in separate directions.

Teddy made the decision to buy some food for himself and some pots because he only had one pot at home. After finishing, he returned to his house. Even though he was certain he had locked his house, he was shocked to find it unlocked when he arrived.

The people were seated on his bed when he entered the house. Teddy stumbled as he dropped the plastics to the ground. The first man asked, "Why boy, why do you behave like you have seen a ghost, are you not happy to see us?" Brian hesitated. What are you doing here? he asked, his voice quivering.

Everyone laugh at him. "You ask as if someone would choose to visit this filthy location on their own. Boy, we came here to get our money," the second man responded.

"What do you mean, because you already sold my house and everything inside, so how come you still want money from me? I don't owe you guys anything", Teddy said. 

"You call that thing a house? the first man said. They all laughed at him. "We sold that shack of yours for R20,000, but unfortunately, since you didn't pay us the money for the previous weeks,instead you decided to hide. It has accumulated again, so you still owe us R100k. So boy, don't fuck with us, just pay us the damn money, okay?"

Teddy raised his eyebrows and clenched his fists. "I won't give you any payment. That's a fraud, I'm calling the cops," he stated as he searched his jacket for his phone. He heard a loud slap to the forehead as he was still searching.

He stumbled on the ground as a result of that. The second man questioned, "Do you think that we come here to negotiate with you huh?", the first man said. He was lying on the ground when he heard a kick to the stomach. He coughed and had trouble breathing. He shouted in agony, but he quickly choked down his screams as he thought of his promise to his neighbors that he wouldn't invite anyone they weren't wanted

Do you think that just because we didn't beat your ass up the last time we're fond of you? ", said the fourth man. The third man searched Teddy's pocket to see if he didn't have any money. Teddy didn't want to be searched. While he was resisting, he got slapped in the face, which made his nose bleed. The men forcefully removed his jacket and searched to see if he wouldn't find any money in it.

Teddy used R3k for household tasks and planned to give the rest of the money to other loan lenders who were scheduled to arrive on Saturday. Teddy didn't anticipate that the people who sold his house would come and harass him. He had assumed that they might not bother him again. However, he was mistaken. They arrived to harass him and are just like all the other debt lenders. He said as he showed the men the money, "This bastard have soo much money but is failing to pay us!", he shouted. 

"It's their thing I'm not even surprised, they always act like they don't have the money to pay us, so that we would feel pity for them while the mother fuckers are living well behind our backs".

"Boy, next time, we won't come here, okay? You have to bring the money to us by the end of next week. "Here's our address," he said, handing him a piece of paper with his address written on it.

They walked out and took all the money that was in his jacket.

Teddy was still in pain, lying on the floor. While he was lying, he thought about the place that his friend told him about. Even though he didn't believe him, he wanted to try it because he was tired of living like a punching bag. He wanted to pay his whole debt so that he would live a peaceful life. More importantly, he wanted to buy back the house of him and his mother because he no longer wanted to live in that shabby place.

He made an attempt to stand up from the floor before sitting down on his bed. He took the phone out of his Jean and called Brian's number while he was seated to get more information about the club.