Scarlet cheeks

"The annual gathering of dieties has begun!"

It was that time of the year when gods of the heavenly court came together to discuss their plans for the year

It was grand but a bit pointless as it's basically a meet and greet for the top martial gods to boast about their achievements over the year

And the other gods would dumbly praise them,wishing to get on their good side

But for a certain god,who was fairly new,this gathering means work and after that he will gain merits

[Note: merits are basically money for gods]


Seeing as the emperor is absent,the martial gods are quite brazen and proud with their attitudes

Lihui is someone who fell from the sky with no memory whatsoever of his past,but still he was an ascended god so he still deserves respect but the other gods finds him unworthy so they bully him from time to time

"Yes,your highness"

[Note:Lihui addressed them as "your highness" as they are gods who were legendary figures when they were human]

"I've got a mission for you,but i fear it might be a bit hard seeing how weak you are,but if you want it,come see me after this" The martial god who was known as being the 3rd strongest out of all the martial gods says,never hiding the insults laced with his fake generosity

But Lihui doesn't mind, he's used to this after so many years so it

So after the gathering is done,he went to the god hurriedly

"I knew you wouldn't refuse even a little bit of merit" the god laugh, finding humour with this

"I thank your highness for this opportunity,i pray i won't disappoint you"

"Good!you will go to the Hong Hua plain and kill a female ghost, doesn't matter who exactly,just kill whoever you saw with boob hahahahha"

"Urm-i,but-" Lihui desperately needs merit but killing is something which he has never even dared attempt,he believes all beings are precious and even ghosts

"You can't?no you won't disappoint me like that i know,go now"

And without arguing,he went away,it was pointless after all

He is like a dog to them,barking at their orders,and he was too powerless to even refuse

Being a martial god who doesn't believe is fighting is not exactly common

So he pack up a few things he might need and went straight for the landing spot where gods jump down from to go to the human realm

Just as he was about to jump he heard someone calls


It was Bojing, one of the only martial god who's kind and good to Lihui

"Your highness,what is the matter?"

Bojing reached him,taking a few seconds to catch his breath,Yes gods do get tired too

"I told you so many times to just call me Bojing" Bojing scolds him,he doesn't like honorific as he thought of Lihui as his friend "I'm coming with you"

Lihui was a bit taken back,he thought Bojing was after his merits

"Please,i need this, don't take it away from me" Lihui was moments away from kneeling with his hands clasps together

Bojing stared at him weirdly for a second "i am not after your merits, don't worry, I'm just accompanying you,is that okay?" His tone is calm and nice,a bit foreign to Lihui

Lihui just nods, his cheeks scarlet

A trait of Lihui,his cheeks turns bright red whenever his emotions spiked,something Bojing would joke about

And so together,they jumped down from heaven

They arrived at a small village,with not much houses, Bojing thought it would be smart to ask the people there for directions

Luckily they met a farmer just a road down,who told them where Hong Hua plain is

He told them that,the plain is somewhat of a graveyard or something about a legend where two unfortunate lovers died,and also a gossip about a very powerful ghost visiting once every year

After thanking him,they went on their way

"Can i ask you something?" Bojing walks with his arms up and his hands on his head,a carefree posture,fitting his young image

"Yes,anything" Lihui nods

"Why do you need merits so much?" It was something he's genuinely curious about,he just has never found the opportunity to ask

It's not a secret that Lihui is saving up merits,and he does whatever jobs he could find to save up

"Oh i haven't told you?one of the civil gods offered to restore my memory for 50 million merits"

"Can they do that?"

"If they can't,no one would"

Getting lost with their conversation the sky turned darker then before,but the sun still hangs around the horizon,painting the world a beautiful golden hue

"We should've reached by now"Bojing murmured,lost in thought

Lihui gulps sensing danger "it's getting dark soon"

But the plains they are now walking through seems to be endless,no mountain in sight,just the horizon

"Bojing,what should we do?"

"I don't kno-"

Bojing couldn't finish his words as they fell down a hole and stumbled down deep,rolling all the way down

"Ow ow ow ow ow~" Lihui whined hitting his shin

Preoccupied by his small injury he doesn't notice their situation yet but Bojing does

"Bojing it hurtss"

As Bojing doesn't answer he finally looks up to see the huge mansion in front of them, surrounded by what seems to be like a lake,it was underground so it went unnoticed by people from above

"What in heaven is this?!"