
A field of crimson spider lily greets Lihui

It was beautiful,he walked through it careful not to step on any one of the beautiful bloom of flower

And right at the centre of it,he sees a stone, possibly a gravestone,with it engraved 'here lies the sun,the only light within me'

Lihui felt nostalgic,he felt a chill run through his body

He finds it quite sad so he decided to pray upon it

He knelt down and closed his eyes, chanting his prayer in a silent whisper when he heard light footstep and a presence behind

"You dared come here,god?" A voice filled his disgust and anger,it was as if the person speaking is vomiting poison

And above all,he could sense the endless bloodlust protruding from the person behind him

"I ask for your forgiveness if i am intruding your territory,i pray you'll forgive me" he speaks with caution because the person's whole spiritual energy reeks of an endless void of menacing power

This person is no less than a supreme!

In this world ghosts are characterized by their power, Supreme being the strongest of them

"Stand,and turn toward me"

And Lihui does as he said

He takes a good look at the person in front of him

Dressed in all black,he naturally blended with the dark,but the slight moonlight shining on him makes it so that Lihui could clearly see him

His eyes were sharp and cruel,with eyes that glowed red,his hair reach down to slightly hide his eyes,but just barely,and it was raven black

"I do not mean no harm" Lihui whispered facing up to him and for a second the person in front of him looked shocked

"L.....Lihui?" his voice now turned desperate,filled with longing sadness,hands trembling as he raise a bit

Lihui flinched at that "I—im sorry?" He knows his name but Lihui is certain he never had met this man

"You're Lihui right?"

"Yes i am,but i fear i do not know you" Lihui weirdly felt bad, because he couldn't for the life of him remember this person

"B-but" the person seems lost in thought his red eyes now turned black,and the slight tremble does not stop

"Do you know me?" Lihui asks,but the person did not say anything more than "my name is Chanjuan, remember it" and then he disappeared after a quick glance,his eyes a glint

Lihui took it as a chance to run from there, because he was a moment away from death

The man he met is no doubt a supreme but who exactly is he?he couldn't possibly be a ghost king because ghost king are notorious and popular,and the last one is the 5th ghost king that emerged about a decades ago

Maybe he could ask around?

But first he must return to the heaven

"Bojing" he calls out to Bojing in the spiritual communication array

"Lihui?where are you?"Bojing receives it and replied right away

"I'm coming back right now,i have to report my mission, can't believe i failed i really needed that merits"

"Don't worry about that okay?just drop it entirely, I'll even give you merits"

"Really?yay,oh!and also i met a ghost named Chanjuan,he was a supreme,have you heard of him?"

"The name's kinda familiar but return here first,and quick, should i come get you?"

"No need for that, I'm safe and I'm returning right now"

And so Lihui returned to the heaven