For myself

The whole ordeal with his mission and the god who gave him that mission was over for good

Bojing kept telling him to not get pulled in with it and trying to get his mind as far away from it as possible without getting caught but unfortunately he doesn't do a very good job at it

Lihui was not suspicious about anything if he was honest but seeing Bojing act like this,his curiosity grows, Bojing's intention to keep him away lead him closer and closer instead

He asked about it once,only once, because Bojing got angrier than he expected,and Mad Bojing is not very pleasent!

They met Yuanhe and Meixiu,the butt duo later after their lame introduction to each other and since then they became quite close

It's been so many years since Lihui met new friend so he's very happy to have two chaotic and funny friends

He asks around for the unknown ghost named Chanjuan but the results are somewhat confusing,Some says he was an official but jumps down from heaven to become a ghost,and the idea is not entirely dumb because there's a certain man who had done that ages ago!

And some says he is a ghost who roamed around the world mouring and suffering from the loss of his one true lose,his power rivals that of a supreme ghost king but he is nowhere near notorious,maybe this story is the most believable knowing his lack of motivation Lihui felt

Best to say, his curiosity was not stopped,after a long long while of lying to Bojing,who was by his side 24/7 by the disguise that he "liked him so much" but in reality was just keeping him under his watch,he return to the plain where the grave and the bed of spider lilies are.

"A person who knows me" Lihui is lost in thought sitting beside the gravestone waiting for the ghost to show up

He knows the ghost might not appear as quick as he hoped so he bought a weeks supply of necessities,just a week because if any longer than that Bojing might just run around the world searching for him

He waited since the sun is high in the sky until the moon replace it

Furthermore to his luck,the sky began darkening by thick thunderclouds

And as fast as that thunder rumbles and rain follows

There's a single candle lit by the gravestone,maybe a passerby felt saddened and light a candle for the deceased

Lihui felt bad,so he tried as much as he could to shield the candle from the rain drops

He was soaked after some minutes but he felt happy!

"Don't worry,i won't let it touch you" he whispered to the person under the grave

"Are you stupid?"

A voice much colder than the rain speaks

And before he could even move he was picked up by the clothing on the shoulder and was carried to what looked like a cave

Then onto a matt,he was dropped off,gently,to be precise

"I apologise for wetting the bed" his voice small against the harsh thrashing of the rain and his mind blurry to hear himself and how ridiculous he just speaks

He heard a snicker,a small one

"Don't worry about it" the man says,he was still faced against Lihui but Lihui knew who he was,it was Chanjuan

And second later he came back,a towel in his hand "need help?" He asks

"N-no need" Lihui felt chummy,he doesn't know why,but still dries himself up

"Why do you do that?" Chanjuan sat near the door so his voice was overwhelmed by the rain but was still audible

"Do what?" Lihui is genuinely confused

"The candle?"

"Oh!" Lihui remembered how embarrassing he must have looked crouching above the candle,his face grew warmer

"I felt sorry for the person who's receiving the wish carried by the candle"

"The person under there is—....." Chanjuan voice was cut off by a loud drumming of thunder

"I'm sorry what?"

"Nothing just dry yourself before you catch a cold"

"I can't catch a cold though"

"Oh right,you are a god now"

There it is again,this person with him speaks like he knew Lihui who definitely doesn't know anything about him,maybe he should ask,but what if he thinks Lihui is insensitive?and he is a ghost why would he answers a god?

"I know you have many things to ask but telling you might not be the best for me so,i am sorry but i won't be telling you anything" Chanjuan starts,staring straight into Lihui's ember orbs with his black ones

"For i,if not for even a long while,want you for myself and myself only"