Chapter 19: His Thoughts Became More and More Criminal

The noise in the basement didn't cease. Tang Feng left for a while to prepare some medicine.

Having been poisoned like this, both the man and the woman involved suffered damage to their vital energy and needed proper nourishment.

Jiang Qingyun stayed behind to protect the circumstances and make sure there were no complications.

Listeniing to the noises from below, Jiang Qingyun had a complicated mood, filled with unspoken lingering resentment, which could only be suppressed in his heart.

It had been more than two hours, why hadn't it ended yet?

Jiang Qingyun couldn't help feeling curious, and he couldn't resist listening carefully.

"Will this be too big to fit in, and choke me to death?"


Jiang Qingyun quickly covered his ears and shut off his hearing.

But although his ears stopped hearing, his brain couldn't stop thinking.

Why would it choke her to death?

How big is too big?

It was too late; her spirit had been corrupted.

In the basement, Zhang Chi was also tired now.

But it was precisely at this time that he couldn't show weakness.

"After eating my seed, you will be mine."

Hmm? This line sounded familiar.

Tang Ruoling didn't speak, as she was already in a half-asleep, half-awake state. This state had lasted a long time, and she felt like a floating water chestnut leaf in the water.

The wind stirred the pool of blue water, and the waves kept pushing her back and forth, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, drifting...

Several water chestnuts were scattered around Tang Ruoling's side.

These were her innate demon seeds.

Of course, among them, only one of them was real. It wouldn't be suitable to say too much about why there were so many.

These were all her fruits. Zhang Chi picked one up, peeled off the greenish powder-like shell, revealing the soft and tender white flesh inside.

Taking a bite, it was juicy and tender.

Not killing her was a wise choice. Ordinary plants bearing fruits couldn't be this sweet.

Moreover, Tang Ruoling's innate demon seed was magical. After eating it, it quickly turned back into a seed form in Zhang Chi's Dantian.

Zhang Chi could feel that he could control the life and death of Tang Ruoling through the demon seed anytime he wanted.

After the demon seed entered his body, he could clearly sense that he was more in tune with the surrounding wood attribute spiritual energy.

"I didn't expect the demon seed to have this miraculous effect. If I eat a few more demon seeds of different attributes, wouldn't I cultivate faster?"

Tang Ruoling had an Innate Wood Spirit Body. After being absorbed by him, Zhang Chi's wood spirit root became perfect.

The demon seed further enhanced his affinity with the wood attribute spiritual energy on top of the perfection.

That is to say, the so-called perfect spirit root has not yet reached its limit, and perhaps this is only the limit of humans.

The more Zhang Chi thought about it, the more feasible it seemed, and he even started thinking about where to find plant demons of other attributes.

Gu Youyou's scalp suddenly tingled; this guy was born to be ruthless!

Zhang Chi's idea just now was not the first time it appeared in this world.

The last person to think and act like this was the Fourth Heavenly Ghost.

There are four races in the world, namely humans, demons, monsters, and ghosts.

Among them, the human, demon and monster clans were born naturally, while the ghost clan came from the transformation of the other three.

To devour one's own kind is to become a ghost.

Of the four races, humans are the most unique. They can degenerate into monsters, assimilate into demons, and transform into ghosts, but generally, their composition can only change once.

Originally, the Four Extremes Heavenly Ghost was a man who ate the Demon seed and became assimilated into a demon. Then he fell into corruption, turning into a demon, and eventually mutated into a ghost.

Among the four races in the world, all were on the menu of the Four Extremes Heavenly Ghost, becoming a common figure to scare children.

This ruthless man, in the beginning, only found out that humans fused with Demon seeds could speed up their cultivation and wanted to obtain more Demon seeds.

Little did he know that the spiritual energy refined by the Demon seeds would carry some trace of demonic energy. At first glance, one couldn't tell, and there usually would not be any abnormalities. But quantitative changes inevitably lead to qualitative changes.

If the amount of demonic energy in one's body exceeds the amount of normal True Qi, the person will be assimilated by demonic energy into a demon.

The Four Extremes Heavenly Ghost was full of the Five Elements Demon seed, his body was filled with demonic energy, and he naturally became a demon. But he was also fortunate in misfortune, as his strength far surpassed his peers.

After cultivating to the Harmonization Realm, he was almost invincible in the world.

Sadly, in the end, he became too inflated and provoked an old boss who was avoiding the World Tribulation. He was slapped into minced meat with one palm, and his story came to an end. But the high-level officials of each race tacitly sealed his story.

Only the core personnel of the high-levels of each race could know this secret, because, at this level, their vision would be more far-reaching.

The Four Extremes Heavenly Ghost was invincible in Harmonization, but he couldn't cross the Tribulation and would die during it.

His composition was too complex, even the heavens couldn't tolerate it.

But the goal of the core talents of the four races is not just Harmonization, so how about other people?

Who would care about their composition if they can gain power?

Gu Youyou pondered, if Zhang Chi continued down this path, he would mostly likely become such a ruthless man — even more terrifying than the Four Extremes Heavenly Ghost.

She must dispel this idea of his!

"Things will turn around when they reach the extreme, and long-term gain will surely lead to loss. Your thoughts are against the Way of Heaven."

She could only hint at it like this, as saying more would risk exposure.

Zhang Chi was somewhat surprised, as the second person usually liked to complain and put on a cold front, but rarely discussed the Tao with him.

However, the truth was in the words of the second person.

He couldn't take all the benefits, as that would be detrimental to his blessings.

Usually, he still had to do more good deeds and accumulate virtue by doing good, being an upright person.

Today, he would be benevolent by starting with helping Tang Ruoling get dressed properly!

Gu Youyou: "..."

When Zhang Chi came out of the basement holding Tang Ruoling, the sky was already light.

Only Tang Feng was still waiting outside, while Jiang Qingyun left as soon as he brought the medicine.

Seeing his daughter's languid and weak appearance, Tang Feng knew that she must have suffered a lot this night and couldn't help but glare at Zhang Chi.

"Young people really don't know their limits."

Zhang Chi could only show an honest smile, but in his heart he retorted, "Whether I know my limits or not, that's something you should ask your daughter."

"You should drink this medicine, it's a big tonic."

Tang Feng, as a good father-in-law with a conscience, prepared some tonic medicine for Zhang Chi according to his experience. He knew that Zhang Chi would also be very weak today.

This was a top-quality medicine cultivated using secret techniques by the Spirit Medicine Valley, which was usually not sold to outsiders.

Tang Ruoling hadn't passed out completely, and as she gradually woke up, seeing Tang Feng preparing a tonic for Zhang Chi, the countless grievances in her heart finally surged.

Why are you giving him the tonic? Do you want me to die?

But she had too many words that couldn't be spoken, so in the end, she could only shed tears and burst into loud sobs.

Tang Feng thought it was because of the shock she had experienced over the past days and quickly comforted her, "Ruoling, don't be afraid, everything has passed. Zhang Chi is a trustworthy person with both talent and virtue. Your father will feel at ease with you being with him in the future."

Tears welled up in Tang Feng's eyes, but this was the most peaceful moment in the past few days. His daughter was lost and regained, and she didn't suffer too much damage. Plus, she found a good husband.

Although his daughter would be married, the distance between Spirit Medicine Valley and Sword Sect was not far, and he could see her anytime in the future.

Zhang Chi also promised, "Believe me, I will take good care of her."

At first glance, this scene seemed somewhat warm, but Tang Ruoling only cried louder.

How would she live her life in the future!