Chapter 20: Why Does My Conscience Feel Pain

Zhang Chi sent Tang Ruoling back to Spirit Medicine Valley and then hurriedly returned to Sword Sect.

There were quite a few people who knew about last night's incident. Although the gossip-loving Chen Runyu didn't spread the news everywhere, his friends were also fond of gossip. How could they resist not sharing such big news?

Thus, overnight, the well-informed people in Sword Sect all knew about last night's story.

Tang Ruoling's fame in Hezuo was not small, and when they heard that Tang Ruoling was captured, many people were heartbroken.

However, things changed in a few days, and after many twists and turns, Zhang Chi really rescued her.

Zhang Chi's battle achievements added another legendary feat.

But because someone spoiled the situation, Zhang Chi's achievement this time was not perfect.

Although the person was saved, last night... countless strong men and women shed tears.

If Tang Ruoling was the dream lover of the male disciples, then Zhang Chi was the dream lover of the female disciples.

Tang Ruoling's best qualities were her figure and her healing smile. Her personality was gentle, much better than the many domineering female disciples in Sword Sect.

The Sword Sect's female disciples could be quite fierce, but the girls from Spirit Medicine Valley were gentle and considerate. It's clear who the men would prefer, right?

Zhang Chi's popularity in Sword Sect naturally didn't need to be mentioned.

Handsome, talented, caring towards his junior brothers and sisters, but never flirting with others. Although not born into a high status, he relied on his own efforts to become Senior Brother.

Who wouldn't like such an inspiring person?

However, although the strong men and women were heartbroken, they understood and some even thought that such development wasn't too bad.

Upon thinking about it, Zhang Chi and Tang Ruoling were actually quite a suitable match.

If they could be happy together, that would be even better.

So when Zhang Chi returned to the sect today, many people congratulated him and Tang Ruoling.

Zhang Chi could only respond with polite smiles, and by the time he arrived at Qingyun Residence, his face was almost stiff.

Qingyun Residence was Jiang Qingyun's dwelling. Jiang Qingyun's title was Perfected Qingyun, so her residence was named after her title.

"Disciple Zhang Chi seeks to see Master."

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Qingyun had already noticed Zhang Chi, but she was still angry and didn't want to see him.

"Disciple came to apologize to Master."

"You are the universally praised Senior Brother, both wise and courageous, morally and intellectually gifted, and now you've even embraced a beauty to return home with. Your future is boundless, so why bother coming to apologize to me?"

Jiang Qingyun's words were full of resentment. Obviously, last night's incident was a huge shock to her.

Zhang Chi knew what she was thinking, but still insisted on apologizing.

"Disciple did not follow Master's teachings, which caused Master to worry."

"I didn't worry about you. You've grown up and have your own ideas. What do I have to worry about?

Besides, didn't you turn misfortune into fortune and become the Swift Groom of Spirit Medicine Valley?

Think of it as a reward for being a good person!"

Jiang Qingyun's words became more and more sarcastic.

Zhang Chi had already figured out her thoughts but pretended not to know. Outside Qingyun Residence, he showed a sad expression and said, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have wanted to be a good person anymore, cough, cough."

Jiang Qingyun was still angry at him, but hearing his abnormal breath, she couldn't help but worry.

"What's wrong with you?"

She finally pushed the door open, only to see Zhang Chi gently wiping the blood at the corner of his mouth.

"I haven't fully recovered from last night's injury, but it's nothing."

"How can it be nothing! If you're injured, why don't you rest and recover properly?"

Jiang Qingyun's eyes were full of blame, but Zhang Chi replied, "The injuries on my body are unimportant. What I'm more worried about is Master's disdain and abandonment of me."


Jiang Qingyun was upset that he didn't know how to take care of himself during the Foundation Establishment Stage. If he injured his foundation, it would be difficult for him to achieve anything in the future.

However, Zhang Chi's concern for her had dissipated much of the resentment in her heart.

Ultimately, Zhang Chi hadn't done anything wrong; she was just too upright.

It wasn't his fault, but the world's fault, for causing such a good person to always be bullied.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qingyun felt somewhat heartbroken for Zhang Chi.

She took out a bottle of healing pills from her bosom and handed it to Zhang Chi, warning him, "Go back and rest well. Don't be so reckless in the future."

"But...if we save Tang Ruoling, you'll gain Valley Master Tang's support, and it won't be so easy for the Grand Elder to bully you in the sect or the alliance."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Qingyun froze.

So, he was doing all this for me.

Just now, I was resenting him for not opening the door for me...

Thinking of this, Jiang Qingyun fell into deep self-blame.

"Don't take such risks in the future. If you want to help me, you should also consider your own safety."

"It's okay. I didn't encounter any danger last night. It's just a pity that the Peace Lock you gave me broke."

As he spoke, Zhang Chi took out the cracked Peace Lock, which was the damaged defensive artifact from last night.

Seeing this old artifact, Jiang Qingyun casually said, "Since it's broken, why do you still keep it? Just get another low-grade artifact."

"This is the one you gave me when I first entered the sect."

Zhang Chi's words contained so many unspoken meanings. Though he didn't say much, Jiang Qingyun had already understood.

Only then did she remember that indeed, when she took Zhang Chi as her disciple, she had given him a protective artifact. That was ten years ago, and she hadn't paid much attention to it.

She didn't expect Zhang Chi to treasure it so much that he wouldn't even discard it when it was broken.

Her heart suddenly felt heavy, as if filled with something, unable to beat anymore.

After a long silence, she realized that she had lost her composure and hurriedly said, "It's fine. I'll give you another one in a while.

Alright, you're injured. Go back and rest. I still have many things to do."

With that, she rushed back into her room and closed the door.

"Interesting woman."

Zhang Chi's mouth twitched, his smile slightly sinister.

Gu Youyou sympathized with Jiang Qingyun after seeing him deceive her.

If she knew that the Peace Lock was destroyed by Zhang Chi himself, who knows how she would feel.

Indeed, the Peace Lock could withstand the attacks of a Foundation Establishment cultivator, but after all, it was just a low-grade artifact.

Zhang Chi, who was at the 10th level Qi Condensation stage, could easily break it after a few hits.

"Doesn't your conscience hurt for deceiving her like this?"

Gu Youyou tried to understand Zhang Chi. He had calculated so many people, each seemingly calculated for a reason.

As for the Grand Elder and Zhou Ran, they were enemies, so calculating them was justified.

The matter with Tang Ruoling and Tang Feng was due to her, so it was for self-preservation.

But Jiang Qingyun was the only one among them who genuinely cared for and loved Zhang Chi. Was she also to be calculated?

Even Demons wouldn't do such a thing.

"That's what you don't understand. The Peace Lock is just a low-grade artifact; its value lies in its additional sentimental value.

If I don't destroy it, no one will know its preciousness.

Only when it's lost will the Master realize its significance. She won't be sad over a broken artifact, but she will be happy for a sincere relationship."

Since no one will be unhappy because of this, why can't I calculate?"

Gu Youyou: "..."

It seemed to make sense, but something still didn't feel quite right...