Chapter 78: The Power of Infinity, Re-Entering the World Gate (Seeking Subscription)_3

"The sun refers to the Great Sun."

"Yin and Yang oppose, yet merge into one, symbolizing the Supreme Yang. It is the origin of Fire and the source of light, the nemesis of the supreme Yin and evil."

"In some records from the World of Secret Realm, it is said that there is a Fusang Tree inside the sun, and on the tree is a three-legged Golden Crow. Even in other places, it is said that the sun nurtured the Fire Poison Dragon, and housed the Taiyang Pool, Taiyang Palace, etcetera. It's all rather disorganized."

"But if you dig deeper, there might be unexpected gains."

"Jiang Ming, if you're going to walk the Path of Souls, do not try it easily. The soul is the foundation, and a little mistake could potentially cause unprecedented troubles."

Elder Tang warned him with extreme sternness.

Jiang Ming nodded.

He wasn't stupid. He wouldn't attempt this without confidence.