Chapter 78: Infinite Power, Entering the Boundary Gate Again (Seeking Subscriptions)_2

"As for World Concepts? It's a very unique realm of comprehension, similar to life and death, yin and yang, etc., and is formed by the integration of numerous realm comprehension. Of course, it also exists as an individual power. If you comprehend it independently, it will be incredibly difficult."

"Wood, fire, earth, gold, water, wind, thunder. Understand these seven realms, then integrate them together, then it can be transformed into World Concepts. But how to integrate, the difficulty of which is no less than reaching for the sky."

"These seven realms, plus the integration, although there are traces to follow, it's also too hard, too hard."

Elder Tang patiently explained.

He also briefly discussed the other ten realms. In summary, they are all hard to comprehend."