Chapter 275: Arrival on the Battlefield of Geniuses, The Brutal Rules_1

The earth is vast, the sky is boundless.

Standing atop a mountain peak, the avatar formed by Jiang Ming looked upon this earth, his mood exceedingly uplifted.

"This is my world!"

With a raise of my hand, the heavens and the earth are within my grasp.

For some reason, a thought flashed through his mind: if he had three hundred billion descendants, he could also nourish them to plumpness.

Jiang Ming couldn't help but laugh dumbly, then cast his gaze around.

Above his head, the Great Sun hung in the eastern sky while the Full Moon dangled in the west, with three hundred and sixty-five stars shining brightly.

The Sun embodies supreme yang qi for condensation, while Taiyin nurtures with supreme yin power, positioned east and west, acting in opposition—except the world has just begun and the marvelous cycle has not formed fully, the power of reincarnation still gently advancing.

As for the three hundred and sixty-five stars? They embody acupoints.