Chapter 276: The Ascension Trap, Master Goes Mad_1

Jiang Ming carefully discerned.

Ran Xin, Luo Qingchen, Wang Qiutong, Shi Lei, and the others' causality lines were crystal clear, not one had disappeared, indicating that none had fallen during the trial.

This was a good situation.

However, the vast majority were too far away.

The closest was a slightly familiar causality line, belonging to the master he had met in the Nine Domains Secret Realm World.

Jiang Ming remained still, sensing the operation of the rules of this world and found them consistent with the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield; there was no need to adapt to control the power of the rules here.

He rose into the air to above the Nine Heavens, looking in all directions, observing the vast sky, undulating mountains, his figure flickering slightly as he followed the causality lines.

In Cloud Sun City, above the third floor of All Under Heaven Bookstore, there was a pavilion where an elder with white hair and beard lay leisurely swaying on a wicker chair.