Chapter 148: The Stone Coffin Cracks Open!

Hate! Hate! Hate!

At this moment, Xu Yang could only hate himself for being so idle. Why did he have to use his "Heavenly Eye" to look at Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum?

He hated that his eyes were "blinded", causing him to miss the "beautiful scenery" before him.


When the eyes cannot see, the other senses of a person are infinitely magnified, resulting in a different experience altogether!

Feeling helpless, he decided to actively cooperate and gasped, "Mengxi... Shall we go to the bed? Or the sofa if that's not possible... I feel a bit awkward in a coffin."

"Shut up!"

Yun Mengxi retorted, "Am I, the mistress of this place, unable to make decisions for myself?"

After all, she was a virgin.

Even with Xu Yang's cooperation, it still felt awkward in the beginning.

However, this kind of thing eventually becomes self-taught as long as one is willing to explore. Gradually, Yun Mengxi became accustomed to it and began to enjoy the process.

For a moment…