Chapter 149: Ma Long Becoming a Disciple! (Please Subscribe)

Some things, after experiencing them once, can be quite addictive.

Yun Mengxi was one of them.

Her personality was straightforward.

When she wanted to do something, she wouldn't beat around the bush, maybe just blush a little when saying those words.

How could Xu Yang, a big man, resist such temptation?

He immediately closed the shop door, carried Yun Mengxi in a princess-style embrace, and used the "Land Flight Skill" to move upstairs...

Two hours later.

A man and a woman, hand in hand, walked down the stairs with satisfied looks on their faces.

As for what happened during these two hours, it is impossible to describe everything in detail, even with thousands of words.

"This little enchantress is quite a handful!"

Xu Yang secretly thought.

After all, Yun Mengxi was a zombie, with a strong physical body and excellent constitution, tirelessly working for almost two hours without a break.

Xu Yang even felt somewhat fortunate.