Chapter 152: Bones as Medicine? (Please Subscribe)

"The theft of the old man's bones was a vendetta in the martial world, and it should be different from your case."

The old man's bones had been dug up then by the people from the Lu Shan Sect, who sent Wang Wei and his disciples to find the "Supreme Purification Seal" and confirm the old man's death.

As for himself, he had killed Wang Wei to retrieve the bones.

Of course.

Officer Wang was just an ordinary policeman who had retired from the front lines; there was no need to mention all this to him.

As for assisting the police in solving the case?

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "Officer Wang, you are the professionals in solving cases. I'm just one who deals with the dead. Besides, I am blind now, I'm afraid I can't help you."

He paused and added, "Unless it's a peculiar case."

Xu Yang couldn't be bothered with ordinary cases, but peculiar ones were different. If he found the "Yin spirits or malevolent beings" behind it, he could earn some merit!