Chapter 153: The Convergence of Yin and Yang!

"Shishi and Yang Yin's cooking skills are getting better and better."

At the dining table, Xu Yang took a bite of fish and said, "The fish is cooked just right, and the marination is well absorbed."

He and Yun Mengxi had gone to the funeral store, while Liu Shishi and Yang Yin had not been idle at home. They had prepared a big table full of dishes, and Xu Yang tried them one by one, finding that except for a Kung Pao chicken with too much salt, the other dishes were actually quite good.

Although they were not yet as good as the chefs in restaurants, they were not far off!

Just ten days ago, Liu Shishi and Yang Yin could turn porridge into sticky rice, let alone cook!

Their progress was simply amazing.

The key point was that everyone had been busy outside recently, so the two women hadn't cooked much... how had they practiced their cooking skills?

Xu Yang was too lazy to ask about these trivial matters; as long as the food tasted good, it was enough!