Chapter 475: Today, I Realize That I Am Me (Part 1)

In a forest.

A 'true deity' squad of the "Demon Legion" is carefully advancing!

The overall strength of this squad is very strong.

The captain is a Supreme Deity.

In the squad, there are five middle-ranked deities and hundreds of lower-rank deities.

"Everyone, be cautious!"

The Supreme Deity at the forefront is a fallen angel with eight wings. His face is stern, as he deeply stated, "An Eastern Immortal has emerged and is hunting down members of different legions. Just a while ago, a 'True Deity' squad from the Twilight Legion was attacked; not one of its hundreds of deities survived!"

"Everyone, be on your guard, try to suppress your aura, and return City of Flames as quickly as possible!"

Within the squad, all the true deities wore solemn expressions!

They were deployed to conduct a carpet search for the Eastern Immortal.


They are the hunters, and the Eastern Immortal is the prey!

But now, the roles have swapped.