Chapter 475: Only Today I Know That I am Me (Part 1)_2

As Xu Yang killed another dozen middle-rank true deities, hundreds of lower-rank true deities, and tens of thousands of divine-level Bone Clan beings with his "Dream Creation Skill," an atmosphere of panic began to spread throughout White Bone City.

The Bone Clan's powerful beings stepped forward, urging everyone not to sleep and not to give the Eastern Immortal any opportunity to act!


Soon after, "rumors" began to circulate again, claiming that the Eastern Immortal's techniques were mysterious and unstoppable even if people didn't sleep, warding off the Eastern Immortal's [Murder in Dream Skill]!



"The Bone Clan demon is frightened, merit points +100000, physique +1."


"The Bone Clan demon is frightened, merit points +10000, physique +1."


Within White Bone City, in an inconspicuous small courtyard.

The skeleton that Xu Yang had transformed into was sitting on a wicker chair in the courtyard, basking in the sun.