Chapter 113: "Finland Continent" and "Doomed Pirate Wizard Group" (Please Subscribe)

"Tustin, did you just see a white raven fly by?"

On a large seafaring vessel, a muscular man tapped the person beside him, voicing his uncertainty.

"You must be mistaken, there are no ravens over the open seas."

Tustin shrugged and moved the large hand resting on his shoulder

Fancying men was one thing, but to use such a cliched pick-up line

Did he think I was a fool? From where in these endless oceanic expanses would a raven come from? It would be more believable if you said the cat in your cabin could dance.

"Is that so? I could have sworn I saw a flash of a white raven."

The muscular man scratched his head, pondering.

"Okay, so you saw it. Give me a hand, in throwing these bodies into the sea."

Tustin then moved aside, indicating towards the muscular man to help him throw the bodies into the sea.



Across the undulating sea, a white raven flew over the region.

Until a continent appeared before the eyes of Milton Cheney.

"Finland Continent."