Chapter 114: "Genesis Era" and "Guardian Lord" (Please Subscribe)

"The fourth one!"

Gazing at the sea of fire in front of him, Milton Cheney mumbled to himself.

The next moment, an old man in a white robe appeared by his side.

The old man stood next to Milton without saying a word, his gaze also fixed on the sea of fire in front of them.

"You wanted to see me?"

Ian spoke up. Although it was posed as a question, there was a certainty in his tone.

Milton stayed silent, prompting Ian to speak again, "The Guardian Sea is not for you."

At this point, Ian directed his gaze at Milton, looking him up and down.

A flicker of white light flashed in his eyes.

"The most suitable wizard organization for you should be the Ouroboros Ring or the Black Lizard Scholars Association, not the Guardian Sea."

Ian stated, as if he could see through all of Milton's thoughts.

However, Milton didn't seem to care, his gaze fixed on the sea of fire in front of him.

Even with the sudden appearance of another person beside him, he didn't show any emotion.